Page 139 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 139                                                                                         Unit 12

        Reading and Use of English

        1  Make as many words as you can from the
          ‘root’ words in the box.

          able friend help know live move
          nation sense

          able: ability, inability, disability, enable, disable, unable,
          disabled, ably

        2  Each of these sentences contain at least
          one word with an incorrect suffi x or
          prefix. Correct the mistakes.

             Some people fi nd it inpossible to sleep if
            they drink coffee late at night.
                                                               Species loss accelerating
             Demonstraters are trying to unstabilise the
            government’s environmental policies.       An international report has shown that human
             I’ve got terrible backache – that chair was   (0)   activities   are destroying three animal or plant   ACT

            so discomfortable.                         species every hour. This equals 150 species a day,
             Be caring with that parcel – the present   and between 18,000 and 55,000 species a year. Th e
            inside is breakible.                       main (1)               of the report is that we  FIND
             Poor service in the restaurant was the main   must slow down the worst spate of extinctions since
            cause of our unsatisfaction.               the (2)               of the dinosaurs 65 million   APPEAR
             Paul’s such a creative person – he’s always   years ago.
            full of innovatant ideas.
                                                                                      have identifi ed   ENVIRONMENT
             Stop trying to mistract me. Can’t you see   Scientists and (3)
                                                       various threats to (4)            and plants as  CREATE
            I’m busy?
                                                       diverse as right whales, Iberian lynxes, wild potatoes
             It’s not that I disbelieve you, but I hope
                                                       and peanuts. Global warming is adding to existing
            you know what you’re doing – not all
                                                                                           for farms    CLEAR
            mushrooms are edable.                      threats such as land (5)
                                                       or cities, pollution, and rising human populations. To
        3  Read the text Species loss accelerating.    deal with these challenges, we need to move rapidly,
          For questions 1–8, use the word given in     and with more (6)               at all levels –   DETERMINE
          capitals at the end of some of the lines     global, (7)              and local.              NATION
          to form a word that fits in the gap in the   Many experts believe that the world will fail to meet

          same line. There is an example at the        the target, set by political leaders some years ago, of
          beginning (0).
                                                       a major (8)               in the rate of loss by   REDUCE
                                                       next year. Rates of species loss are currently rising
        Exam advice
                                                       by more than a thousand times natural rates.
         t   Remember that changing the word given
           could mean using a prefi x or a suffi x or
           both. You may have to make a word with a   4  Discuss these questions in pairs or groups.
           negative meaning.                               What other species of plants or animals are in danger of becoming
         t   Check the spelling of the words you form.    extinct?
         t   Finally, read through the complete text       What can international organisations, national governments
           to make sure that it makes sense and is        and individuals do to slow down the rate at which species are
           grammatically correct.                         becoming extinct?

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