Page 140 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 140
        The living world

        Writing | 1BSU

        " QSPQPTBM
        1  Do the exercise in the Exam round-up box.

        Exam round-up
         Say if the following statements about proposals are true
         (T) or false (F). If a statement is false, rewrite it to make it

            Proposals are normally written for personal friends.
            Proposals should include suggestions or
            Factual information need not be included.
            You may use headings in a proposal.                   Introduction
            You should always write a proposal using formal       The purpose of this proposal is to suggest ways in which
           language.                                              my college could use resources more carefully and reduce
                                                                  wastage. I will suggest a range of measures to achieve
        2  Work in pairs. Read this Part 2 writing task and then
          follow the instructions below.                          Paper
                                                                  The college currently uses twice as much printing paper
          You see this announcement from an environmental         as it did two years ago. This is despite the fact that
          agency in a local newspaper.                            information is stored on computers. Any unnecessary
                                                                  use of paper affects the environment in two ways: firstly
           We are running a campaign to persuade                  by using valuable resources, and secondly by posing
           organisations in our town to use resources more        a waste disposal problem. I suggest that in future no
           carefully and to reduce waste. The agency invites you   documents should be printed unless there is a good
           to submit a proposal outlining the current situation   reason for doing so, and students should be required to
           in an organisation that you know well and to suggest   submit assignments electronically.
           ways in which this situation could be improved.
           We will provide financial support for approved          Electricity
           proposals.                                             Currently, many lights, heaters and computers are not
                                                                  turned off when no one is in the building. Televisions and
          Write your QSPQPTBM in 220–260 words.                   other electrical equipment are left on stand-by overnight,
                                                                  adding to the college’s energy consumption. Students
                                                                  and staff should be reminded to turn off all lights and
             Think about an organisation you know well. It could
                                                                  equipment when they are not needed.
            be a club, college, office or shop. What kind of
            resources is this organisation currently wasting? Think   Travel
            of materials, such as paper, and less visible resources,   It is well known that some students are making
            such as electricity.                                  unnecessary journeys to college by car or motorbike.
             Make a list of things that individual members of this   This adds to our energy consumption. I recommend that
            organisation could do to reduce waste. Start with     students should be advised not to come to the college
            simple things that everyone can do, like turning lights   unless they have classes, and public transport or bicycles
            off at night, and then go on to more radical actions,   should be used where this is possible. In addition to this,
            like working from home on one day a week.             staff might consider working from home on at least one
        3  Read the sample proposal and discuss these             day per week.
          questions.                                              Conclusion
             Has the writer dealt fully with all parts of the task? Is   I believe that if all the suggested measures were
            there factual information as well as suggestions?     implemented, the college would be able to reduce
             Is the proposal clearly organised?                   wastage by at least 20% every year.

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