Page 150 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 150
        Health and lifestyle

        Grammar                                                 3  Rewrite these sentences, using the words in brackets.

        5IF MBOHVBHF PG DPNQBSJTPO                                   Many people don’t earn as much money as they did
                                                                     five years ago. (less)
        1  Complete these extracts from Reading and Use of           Finding a new job was easier than I expected it to be.
          English Part 8. Then check your answers in the             (difficult)
          texts.                                                     I’ve never seen a funnier film than that. (funniest)
                                                                     There aren’t as many unemployed people today as
             Glíma is by                 form of wrestling in
            Iceland.                                                 there were ten years ago. (fewer)
                              ,when they are fighting, they should      Working conditions are worse than they used to be.
            always look over each other’s shoulders,                 (good)
             It is considered                to wrestle by touch      Petrol is become increasingly expensive. (more and)
            and feel than by sight.                             4       Exam candidates sometimes make mistakes in
             There are other versions (of glíma) which are played   their use of comparative words. Find and correct the
                              .                                   mistakes in these sentences.
                              are scored if the ball goes over the
            crossbar.                                                I think a female boss is far much understanding than a
             The ball can be caught in the hand and carried for      male boss.
                              four steps,                            Actually, eating junk food is even worst for your health
             A player who wants to carry the ball                    than smoking.
            three steps has to bounce or balance it on the end of      The other actor wasn’t as handsome like James.
            stick.                                                   I noticed that there were less angry people than there
             The winning team is the one with                        had been a year ago.
            goals scored after six periods of eight minutes.         Easily the harder thing about football for me is the
             Lacrosse is also becoming                popular        training I have to do.
            in the USA.                                              If you travel at night, you’ll find there is fewer traffic on
                                                                     the roads.
                                                   goals wins.
             The team which scores
             Turmeque, a                  version of the             This will make the problem of obesity difficult even
            sport, …                                                 more.
             The modern game itself is                from           If you learn English, you will have much fewer problems
            this.                                                    when you travel abroad.
                                                                5  Compare the food in these photos in different ways,
        2  Answer these questions about the language of
          comparison used in the extracts above.                  using words from the box.
             What kinds of words can follow more and most?           Nouns: a balanced diet  calories  cholesterol  fat
             More has two opposites: less and fewer. How are these
                                                                     fibre minerals protein seafood vitamins
            words used differently? What kinds of words can follow
            each?                                                    Adjectives: appetising fattening greasy
             Look at the negative comparison in sentence 6. Can      (un)healthy low-fat oily tasty
            you think of a way of rephrasing it?                     Verbs: diet lose weight
             What does the phrase by far add to the meaning of a
            superlative adjective? Compare these sentences:
           He’s the brightest student in the class.
           He’s by far the brightest student in the class.
             How can we add very to qualify different in this
            The modern game is no different from this.
             What is the opposite of much in this sentence?
           I’m feeling much better now.

             QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  The language of comparison

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