Page 155 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 155                                                                                         Unit 14

        Grammar                                                 3      23 Listen again to the speakers in Starting off.

                                                                     absolutely completely incredibly totally utterly
                                                                   B  Complete the sentences below by writing an
        1  Look at this extract from Starting off. Which word or     intensifying adverb from the box in each gap.
          phrase in each sentence shows the speaker’s attitude     C  Say which other adverbs in the box could also be used
          or opinion about what he says?
                                                                     for each gap.
          You see, unfortunately                                   D  Decide how adding an intensifying adverb affects each
          I’m one of those typical                                   sentence.
          expatriates who spends two                                  We were               fed up with the crime and
          years working in this country                              feeling of insecurity that surrounded us.
          and three years working in                                  I was              astonished to fi nd that many
          that. I don’t think I could ever                           people looked down on me when I fi rst arrived.
          go back to my home country                                  I just found the short grey days and the continual rain
          because, quite honestly, I just                                           depressing.
          wouldn’t fi t in.
                                                                      I’d be              out of touch.
                                                                      I’ve been              lucky, though.
             QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Comment adverbials
                                                                4  Complete these sentences by choosing the
        2  Rewrite each sentence below, replacing the
          underlined words with a comment adverbial from           alternatives in italics which form a collocation. There
          the box in each gap.                                     may be one or two correct answers to each question.
                                                                  The Japanese drummers’ performance was
          apparently fortunately generally speaking kindly
                                                                  (1) extremely / utterly / absolutely amazing. We’d
          obviously  personally  to be honest  undoubtedly        never seen anything  like it. The audience was
                                                                  (2) absolutely / completely / totally delighted and
             It’s lucky that she has a very supportive family.    applauded for about ten minutes.
                            , she has a very supportive family.
             I’m absolutely certain that he’s the best player.

                                                                  For immigrants, finding somewhere to live and work
            He’s                the best player.
             Most of the time the weather here is pleasant.       is (3) totally / incredibly / perfectly simple and

                                                                  presents no problem. The difficulty is integrating into
                            , the weather here is pleasant.
                                                                  the community because local people are (4) absolutely
             I’m telling you the truth when I say that I found the   / utterly / completely indifferent to foreigners, so
            journey very uncomfortable.                           many of them end up feeling (5) extremely / incredibly
                            , I found the journey very            / perfectly depressed.
             From what I’ve heard, Bill is thinking of emigrating to
            Canada.                                               Temperatures often rise above 40º C in the summer, so this
                            , Bill is thinking of emigrating to
            Canada.                                               heat is (6) perfectly / incredibly / absolutely normal. Many
             Anaya’s parents have invited me to stay with them,   newcomers to this part of the world feel (7) totally / extremely /
            which is very kind of them.                           utterly exhausted by the end of the day unless they have air
            Anaya’s parents have               invited me to      conditioning.
            stay with them.
             It’s clear that he wasn’t happy with the way he was
            treated.                                              You’ll need to work hard to learn the language because
                            , he wasn’t happy with the way he was   it’s (8) utterly / incredibly / totally hard. However, if you
            treated.                                              persist, you’ll fi nd it isn’t (9) extremely / absolutely /
             To give you my opinion, I wouldn’t buy that car.     incredibly impossible and you will make progress.
                            , I wouldn’t buy that car.

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