Page 158 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 158
       Moving abroad

        3  Read extracts A–D and answer these questions.             Past experience demonstrates that cultural diversity
             According to A, how have attitudes and policies to do   in itself is not a sufficient condition to bring about
            with immigration changed recently?                       the sustained inclusion of the different groups that
             According to B, how are cities defined and where in a    populate a city. (Extract D)
            city does successful integration occur?                B  We know from past experience that a policy
             According to C, what should local government’s role       of cultural diversity in a city will not always be
            be in encouraging integration?                             successful over a long period of time.
             According to D, what are the advantages and dangers    C  We know from past experience that different cultural
            of cultural diversity?                                     groups do not always wish to form part of a diverse
                                                                       culture and may wish to leave the city.
        4  Academic texts may contain ideas expressed in
          complex ways. Decide what each of these sentences          Managing cultural exchanges among people and
          means. Choose either a or b.                               organisations, and dealing directly with inequities and
                                                                     discrimination are challenges that cities must face if
             Successful integration is no coincidence. (Extract A)   they are to be socially inclusive and culturally diverse.
           B  Integration can only be successful if it is planned.   (Extract D)
           C  Successful integration is the result of unlikely events    B  Unless cities are socially inclusive and culturally
               happening at the same time.                             diverse, they won’t be able to manage their cultural
             Cities and towns were starting to think differently about   exchanges or deal directly with inequities or
            immigration. (Extract A)                                   discrimination.
           B  Cities and towns were changing their immigration     C  Unless cities manage cultural exchanges among
               policies.                                               people and organisations, and deal directly with
           C  Cities and towns no longer wished to accept new          inequities and discrimination, cities will not be
               immigrants.                                             socially inclusive or culturally diverse.
             The untapped potential of immigrants … had long    5  Now do the exam task. For questions 1–4, choose
            been overlooked. (Extract A)                          from the extracts A–D. The extracts may be chosen
           B  People ignored immigrants because they were         more than once.
               considered to be a nuisance.
           C  The authorities did not realise that there were      8IJDI FYUSBDU
               immigrants whose skills were not being used.
                                                                   shares C’s view on the relationship
             There is now global competition for information       between employment and integration?       1
            technology professionals, creative artists and highly
            skilled individuals upon whom to place our hopes for   expresses a different view from the       2
            future prosperity. (Extract A)                         others regarding the possible outcome
           B  Skilled and creative people are taking part in a     of immigration?
               worldwide competition to win jobs.                  shares B’s view concerning the role of
           C  Countries depend on skilled people for their future   public space in integration?
               wealth and therefore compete to attract them.
                                                                   expresses a more specific view than the
             More humans than ever now live outside their country   others of the type of people who might
            of birth. (Extract B)                                  immigrate?
           B  The majority of people now emigrate.
           C  There are more emigrants in the world than ever   6  Work in groups.
                                                                     Which of these statements do you agree with more?
             The well-being of cities depends on whether they can     Particular cities thrive because they exemplify cultural
            create an inclusive public culture. (Extract B)          diversity.
           B  Cities will only prosper if they have a culture which     Immigrants are attracted to particular cities because
               encourages all inhabitants to participate.            they are thriving.
           C  Cities with museums, art galleries and theatres are      The second paragraph of extract A appears to
               healthier places to live.
                                                                     advocate a selective immigration policy. Do you think
                                                                     countries should select who they allow to immigrate?

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