Page 161 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 161                                                                                         Unit 14

                                                                2  For the Part 4 question below, which is the correct
                                                                  answer: a, b, c or d? Why are the other answers
                                                                  Boris should have contacted us the moment he arrived.
                                                                  Boris was supposed                              as
                                                                  soon as he arrived.
                                                                  B  getting in touch with us
        2  Express the ideas below in a more emphatic way by      C  to get in touch with us
          using cleft sentences starting with the words given.
                                                                  D  to have got in touch with us
             I believe that young people benefit from living and   E  to have made contact with us
            working abroad.  What I believe …
             Many people move overseas because they don’t like   3  For questions 1–4, complete the second sentence so
            the climate in their own country.  It’s because …     that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
             Living in a multicultural society enriches our lives.    using the word given. Do not change the word
            What enriches …                                       given. You must use between three and six words,
             I feel lonely living away from my family.  It’s living …  including the word given. .
             He doesn’t do anything except listen to music in his      Could you remind me to phone Charlie on Friday?
            room.  All he does …                                   (3"5&'6-
             Franz learnt to speak the language perfectly by living in     I’d                       me to phone
            the country.  It was …                                   Charlie on Friday.
             A good education teaches tolerance.  What a good       Clue: There are two parts to this answer: a request and
            education …                                              an indirect question.
             I just want to be able to visit my family again.  All I
            want …                                                   Mario managed to complete the project without any
        Reading and Use of English | 1BSU                           Mario succeeded
        1  Do the exercise in the Exam round-up box.                Clue: Use an expression which means ‘alone’.

        Exam round-up                                                You won’t get into the national team unless you try
                                                                     much harder.
         How much do you remember about Reading and Use            .",&
         of English Part 4? Complete the following sentences by     You’ll have                             if you’re
         writing one word from the list below in each space.         going to get into the national team.
                                                                    Clue: What noun can we use with ‘make’ to mean ‘try
           word contractions change same number                      hard’?
           given three six
                                                                     Fatima still hasn’t decided if she’ll study in New
                                                                     Zealand next year.
         t   There are (1)       questions.                        .*/%
         t   You have to write between (2)      and six words       Fatima hasn’t                             to study
           in each space, using the           given.                 in New Zealand next year.
         t             count as two words.                          Clue: What expression with ‘mind’ means ‘to decide’?
         t   You must not (5)       the word given.
         Read the question and decide what grammar and
         vocabulary you need. When you have finished, read your
         answer and check that
         t   it means the (6)      as the original sentence
         t   you have used the correct (7)     of words
         t   you haven’t changed the word (8)      .

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