Page 165 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 165

                            Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 14

        Vocabulary                                                    Audrey is not prepared to leave her current job.
        1  Complete the sentences below by writing learn, fi nd      ‘Getting a new job is
          out, know, provide, offer or give in the correct form in   do!’ cried Audrey.
          the gaps. You can use any verb more than once.
                                                                      Alfredo wanted nothing more than to relax when he
             How old were you when you             your              got home.
             multiplication tables?                                 5",&
             I’ve been trying to          what I need to do to       All Alfredo wanted to
             get a working visa for New Zealand.                     easy when he got home.
             I think it’s the government’s duty to       free
             education for all young people up to the age of 21.      I spend most of my time doing paperwork.
             Now where are my keys? I           they’re in my       5",&4
             bag somewhere!                                          It                             most of my time.
             Rebecca has been             the chance to improve   3  Complete the letter below with adverbs or adverbial
             her Spanish by studying in Argentina for a year.      phrases from the box. Use each adverb / adverbial
             My sister has been           a job in the company     phrase once only. In some cases more than one
             and she’s considering it at the moment.               answer is possible.
             I don’t think the police will ever manage to
                         who stole the money.                      actually almost certainly apparently hopefully
             You’ll never           to drive properly unless you   obviously quite surprisingly thoughtfully to be honest
             go to a proper driving school.

                                                                  Dear Odile,
                                                                  Thank you for so (1)               inviting me to
        2  Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar   stay with you and your family for a few months later this
          meaning to the first sentence, using the word           year. I will (2)             take you up on your offer

          given. Do not change the word given. You must use       as I’ve been thinking for some time of doing a gap year
          between three and six words, including the word         before I go to university. (3)           , I need a
          given.                                                  break from studying and I think a spell of living abroad
             We didn’t have as much time as we wanted to          would suit me perfectly.
             understand all this information.
                                                                  (4)                 , because I’m rather tired of school
            What we wanted                                in all   life, I haven’t been working particularly hard this term,
             this information.                                    but (5)                , I’ve managed to pass all my
                                                                  exams with quite good grades. (6)             ,
             Everybody agreed that the music at Lenka’s           when I go to university next year I’ll have to work quite a
             presentation was very annoying.
                                                                  lot harder. I already know several people on the course I
            It was the music                             at       want to do and (7)               it’s very demanding.
             Lenka’s presentation.                                So (8)                 a few months abroad will refresh
                                                                  me enough to really get down to work when I get back.
             First, you complete this form and then you post it to
             the embassy.                                         I’ll be in touch when I’ve got my plans a little clearer.
           '*--                                                   Very best wishes,
            What you have                               this
             form and then send it to the embassy.                Candice

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