Page 164 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 164

                            Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 13

        Vocabulary                                                       Grammar

        1  For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in   3  Correct the errors in the use of words or
          capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fi ts   phrases to express contrast.
          in the gap in the same line.                                         He thought he had some terrible disease,
                                                                              however it was just a bad case of fl u.
           It’s easy to understand why marathons were                          My sister seems to catch every cold going,
           once thought to be (0)    elitist   activities.   &-*5&            although I am rarely ill.
           The fi rst marathon runner, an ancient Greek                         Despite he didn’t feel well, he went to work as
           (1)              who ran from Marathon         .&44"(&             usual.
           to Athens to deliver a warning about an                             But I exercise every day, I’m still overweight.
           (2)              enemy, dropped dead just      "1130"$)             He refused to see his doctor. Although
           after fi nishing his run. But mass participation                    everyone he knew advised him to.
           marathons like the New York Marathon proved                   4  Complete the second sentence so that it
           that this was                . The NYC event   $033&$5           has a similar meaning to the fi rst sentence,
           started out in 1970  when there were only 55                     using the word given. Do not change the
           fi nishers – now there are nearly 30,000 runners                  word given. You must use three to six words,
                            . Similar numbers are seen in   "//6"-          including the word given.
           other cities around the world, like London and
                                                                               The public health service is worse than it was
                                                                              ten years ago.
           Of course, it’s hard work. A great deal of practice               (00%
           and (5)              goes into completing a    %&%*$"5&            The public health service is
           course. The people who run (6)                 46$$&&%                                          ten years ago.
           are those who are very fi t and who have trained                     We don’t have as many qualifi ed nurses as we
           consistently. They may be regular athletes, so                     need.
           perhaps they already have a (7)                )&"-5)             '&8&3
           diet and training programme. But marathon                          We                               we need.
           runners also include formerly (8)              8&*()5
                                                                               My new job is not as easy as I expected.
           or unfi t folks who decided to use a marathon as
           an excuse to get into shape.
                                                                              My new job
                                                                              I expected.
        2  Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions.             I’m really tired. I’ll be very glad when we get
             Be careful what you say. He’s very sensitive    criticism.      400/&3
             As the manager of the department, you are responsible            I’m really tired. The
             recruiting new staff.                                                         better.
             There are more and more viruses which are resistant               I earned less money than I thought I would
             traditional antibiotics.                                         last week.
             Are you familiar     the music of Jan Gabarek?                  .6$)
             If you want to be better    playing the guitar, you’ll have to     I                           as I thought
             practise more.                                                   I would last week.
             I can’t eat omelettes because I’m allergic    eggs.               Your diet is just as bad as mine.
             I like the house itself, but it isn’t very convenient    the    #&55&3
             supermarket or the station.                                      Your diet
             Please let us know if our offer is acceptable    you.            mine.

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