Page 160 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 160
       Moving abroad

        Speaking | 1BSU                                         4     26 Complete these extracts from Laura and
                                                                  Daniel’s answers by writing a modal verb (can, may,
        1  Do the exercise in the Exam round-up box.              should, etc.) in each gap. Then check your answers by
                                                                  listening to the extracts.
        Exam round-up
                                                                     I think it      open up people’s minds to other
         Circle the correct alternative in italics in these sentences.  experiences that they    not be able to have
            Speaking Part 4 lasts for about three / five minutes.     otherwise.
            You are asked to give your opinions on subjects          I personally think it     make society itself richer by
           connected with the same theme as Speaking Part 3 / a      having diversity within it.
           new theme.                                                I think people       be allowed to have some of
            You and your partner are each asked different            the elements of their own culture as long as they’re not
           questions / are expected to discuss your ideas about      detrimental to the good of the majority.
           the same questions.                                       What they         to do is provide lots of information
            You should give a brief answer / quite a long answer.    at the beginning so that people      make the
                                                                     transition to a new society.
                                                                     Housing is something I think they     be providing.

                                                                5  Work in pairs. Discuss your answers to the three
                                                                  questions in Exercise 2. Try to use some of the
                                                                  phrases from the box in Exercise 2 when you speak.

                                                                6  Work in pairs to discuss these questions.
                                                                     Many companies expect their employees to be ready
                                                                     to move to different places and countries to work. Do
                                                                     you think everyone should be ready to move for their
                                                                     job? Why (not)?
                                                                     How has your country changed in recent years as a
                                                                     result of immigration or emigration?
                                                                     Some people suggest that immigrants should be
                                                                     obliged to learn the language of the country they go
        2  Work in pairs. Which of the phrases in the box            to. Do you agree?
          could you use when answering each of the questions
          below? (You can use some of the phrases with more     Grammar
          than one answer.)
                                                                $MFGU TFOUFODFT GPS FNQIBTJT
          cover people’s basic needs  create cultural diversity
                                                                1  Rewrite each of the sentences below beginning with
          encourage tolerance towards other ways of life
                                                                  the words given.
          help them integrate  live side by side
                                                                     It was the climate I couldn’t stand any longer.
          open up people’s minds  provide housing
                                                                    I couldn’t …
          make the transition to a new society
                                                                     What impressed me most was seeing their new in-laws
          make society a richer place                                learning how to cook new dishes.
          people from different backgrounds with different outlooks      I was most impressed …
                                                                     It’s being away from your children and family that must
             What are the benefits of a multicultural society?        be the worst thing.
             Should people who go to live in another country adopt     The worst thing …
            the culture of that country? Why (not)?                  What we’ve ended up with is quite a cultural mix in our
             How can governments help immigrants?                    office.
                                                                    We’ve ended up …
        3     25 Now check your answers by listening to Laura        It’s their ability to work hard that absolutely amazes me.
          and Daniel.                                               I am …

                                                                     QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Cleft sentences for emphasis
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