Page 156 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 156
       Moving abroad

        Listening | 1BSU

        1  You will hear five short extracts in which people are
          talking about migrants and migration. Before you
          listen, do the exercise in the Exam round-up box.

        Exam round-up
         Say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). If a
         statement is false, rewrite it to make it true.
         In Listening Part 4
            you have to do two tasks
            you hear five different speakers and you have to choose
           from seven options
            you hear the piece twice; you should do the first task the
           first time you listen and the second task the second time
           you listen                                              3  Work in small groups. Take turns to summarise
            you may hear the answer to Task Two before the answer    what one of the speakers said. Each student
           to Task One.                                              should choose a different speaker.
                                                                     t  Before you speak, spend a minute or two thinking
        2     24 Listen and complete the two tasks.                     about what you are going to say.
                                                                     t  Try to use some of the comment adverbials from
                                                                        Grammar Exercise 2 on page 151 when you speak.
           5"4, 0/&
           For questions 1–5, choose from the list (A–H) the aspect
           of migration that each speaker is referring to.         Vocabulary
                                                                   learn  find out BOE know  provide  offer
           "  loss of local culture
                                          4QFBLFS          1       BOE give
           #  integration in schools
           $  changing eating habits      4QFBLFS          2       1  Exam candidates often confuse learn, find out and
           % finding accommodation                                    know. Match the words with their definitions from
           &  mixed marriages                                        the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
           '  communication problems      4QFBLFS
           ( sending money home                                      1 know    2 find out    3 learn
                                          4QFBLFS          5
           ) starting a business
                                                                     B  to get information about something because you
                                                                        want to know more about it, or to acquire a fact or
           5"4, 580                                                     piece of information for the first time
           For questions  o  , choose from the list (A–H) the thing   C  to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity
           which has impressed each speaker the most.                D  to have the information in your mind

           "  Employment is created.                               2  Provide, offer and give often have very similar
                                                                     meanings. However, sometimes their meanings
           #  Families are divided.       4QFBLFS          6
           $  The quality of life improves.                          are slightly different. When their meanings are
                                          4QFBLFS          7         different, which word, provide or offer, means
           % The cost of living rises.
           &  Standards are raised.       4QFBLFS          8            to give someone something they need?
           '  Local people lose their jobs.                             to ask someone if they would like to have something
                                          4QFBLFS          9            or if they would like you to do something?
           ( Local people learn something
             new.                         4QFBLFS          10
           ) Attitudes are more diverse.

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