Page 152 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 152
        Health and lifestyle

        Writing | 1BSU

        " MFUUFS
        1  Do the exercise in the Exam round-up box.

        Exam round-up
         How much do you remember about Writing Part 2?
         Complete the following sentences by writing a word or a

            You have a choice of           tasks.
            The task may be an email or letter, a        , a
           report or a proposal.
            In order to write in the correct style, it is important to
           remember who the              is.
            You should write 220–          words for this part.
            When you are writing a report or a proposal you can
                                                                  Dear Sir,
           divide what you write into          and put a
                        above each one.
                                                                  I am writing on behalf of a number of members of the
            When you are writing a proposal, you are trying       sports club who are  concerned about / fed up with the club
           to             someone to act on your ideas or         and  the way it is being run / how you run it.
                                                                  It has been clear to us for  quite a while / some time that
        2  Read this writing task and make brief notes on the     we have a membership problem. The club, which I visit
          three bulleted points as if you were going to write     regularly, has been  noticeably less busy / pretty empty
                                                                  in recent months. In the view of members, there are two
          this letter.                                               5
                                                                  possible explanations for this decline.  For a start, / Firstly,
                                                                  we believe that some members are joining other clubs
          You belong to a small sports club and have been asked   with more state-of-the-art facilities. Secondly, the cost of
          by other members to write a letter of complaint to the   membership at the club appears to be high compared with
          club manager. Your letter should include the following:  other clubs  in the area / round here.
          t  why club members are not satisfi ed with the club and
                                                                  As to what action can be taken, our main suggestions are
            the way it is organised
                                                                  for all the club’s gym equipment to be replaced and for
          t  how the club could be improved
                                                                  management to  change / adjust the cost of membership.
          t  what may happen if improvements are not made
                                                                  While the charge for adult members could remain the
          Write your MFUUFS.                                      same, reduced fees could be  brought in / introduced
                                                                  for  old people / retired people. There could also be a new
                                                                  family rate to encourage parents to come with their
        3  Read Marek’s letter, without paying attention to the   children. We also believe that the tennis courts should be
          alternatives in italics. Does the letter cover all parts   resurfaced, because they have been neglected for several
          of the task?                                            years. They are now not fi t for purpose.
        4  Work in pairs. Look at the structure of the letter.    We believe that if these improvements are not made soon,
          What is the topic of each paragraph?                    more members will vote with their feet and move to other
                                                                  clubs on a permanent basis. We trust that you will  think
        5  A letter like this should be written in a style which   about / consider our ideas and we would be grateful if
          is not too informal. Circle the appropriate words and   you could look into making the improvements we have
          phrases in italics in Marek’s letter.                   suggested  as soon as possible / very soon.

                                                                  Yours faithfully,

                                                                  Marek Novák

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