Page 163 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 163                                                                                         Unit 14

        3  Work in small groups. Expand the opinions            6  The phrases below link ideas together in the sample
          expressed during the documentary by                     essay and also refer to the documentary mentioned
                                                                  in the task. Complete the essay by writing each of the
          t  adding reasons and examples
          t  saying whether you agree or disagree with each       phrases in the correct gap.
            opinion and giving your reasons
          t  expressing a counter-argument (which you may or may   all of which  consequently  with the result that
            not agree with).                                      to offer some examples  on the grounds that

        4  Write a plan for your essay based on ideas which       so what I would suggest is that
          arose during your discussion in Exercise 3. When

          you have finished, work in pairs and compare your       it is through these experiences that
          plans.                                                  for this reason, I personally believe that
        5  Read this sample essay without paying attention to     during the documentary it was suggested that
          the gaps. Which ideas expressed in the essay were
          mentioned while you did Exercise 3?                     I entirely agree with the point made during the
                                                                  documentary that
          The world we live in is becoming increasingly
          globalised  1                  large numbers          7  Compare the essay with your plan and make any
          of people move abroad in search of a better life.       changes you wish to your plan.
          2                     , people increasingly have to   8  Write your own answer to the task in Exercise 2.
          live harmoniously in multicultural situations.

          3                     people should acquire the
          necessary language skills before being allowed to settle
          permanently in a country. I am broadly in agreement
          with this point of view  4                learning
          the language of the country is the key to integrating
          and showing respect for the local culture. However,
          generally speaking it is diffi cult to reach a level of
          language profi ciency until you have spent some time in
          the country itself,  5                immigrants
          should be provided with language lessons during the
          early years of their stay.

          6                     everyone gains from living in a
          diverse culture.  7                 , in my country
          in recent years people have become much more open
          to foreign fi lms and literature, while varied foreign
          cuisine has become a common part of people’s lives.
          Undoubtedly,  8                   people’s minds
          open to new ways of seeing the world and new tastes,
          9                     enrich their lives.

          10                    it is co-operation that makes
          integration successful, so local people should welcome
          immigrants from outside for the diversity they bring
          while the immigrants themselves should make every
          effort to integrate into the community.

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