Page 117 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 117                                                                                         Unit 10

        Vocabulary                                              2  Chance can mean possibility or opportunity, but is
                                                                  generally used less formally. Read these defi nitions
        chance  occasion  opportunity BOE                         and complete the sentences below with chance,
        possibility                                               occasion, opportunity or possibility. Sometimes two
                                                                  answers are possible.
        1  Read these definitions. Then circle the correct

          alternatives in italics in the sentences below.
                                                                     1 an occasion which allows something to be done; an opportunity
                                                                       I’m afraid I didn’t get the chance to tell him the good news.
            a particular time when something happens
              My sister’s wedding was a very special occasion.
                                                                     Adjectives good, ideal, last, second, unexpected
                                                                     Verbs      get, have, deserve, welcome, give someone, take, turn
            Adjectives  formal, historic, memorable, rare, solemn, special, unique
                                                                            down + the chance
            Verbs    mark an occasion, rise to the occasion
                                                                     Use    the chance to do something
            Use      on one occasion, the occasion when + clause
                                                                     2 likelihood; the level of possibility that something will happen
            opportunity                                                There’s an outside chance that I’ll have to go to Japan next week.
            a situation in which it is possible to do something you want to do   Collocations
              I’m going to work in Hong Kong for a year. It’s a great opportunity.  Adjectives fair, outside, realistic, reasonable, slim
            Collocations                                             Verbs    be in with a chance / stand a chance of + -ing
            Adjectives  equal, excellent, golden, perfect, tremendous, welcome  Use   the chance of doing something, there’s a chance that +
            Verbs     have, lose, miss, seize, take + the opportunity, opportunity   clause, by any chance, on the off chance, No chance!
                    + arise/occur
            Use       the opportunity to do something, the opportunity for +      If you don’t do well in your exams, you’ll have the
                                                                                    to retake them next summer.
                                                                     Our education system is based on the principle of
            possibility                                              equal               .
            a situation where something may or may not happen        Have you ever considered the              of
                                                                     training to be a teacher?
            There’s a defi nite possibility of a strike by train drivers next week.
            Collocations                                             If you go on working hard, you stand a good
            Adjectives defi nite, distinct, real, remote, serious, slight, strong    of getting into Harvard.
                                                                     Your exams start on Monday, so this weekend is the
            Verbs      face, accept, rule out, recognise, ignore + the possibility
                                                                     last               you’ll have to revise.
            Use     the possibility  of doing something [not possibility to do],      I think there’s a real    that I’ll get the
                    the possibility that + clause
                                                                     grades I need.
                                                                     We’re having a party to celebrate the end of our exams
             Schools try to ensure that all students have an equal   – it’ll be a great           .
            opportunity / possibility to succeed.                    Is there any              that you could help me
             On several occasions / opportunities recently the       with my homework?
            university has made changes to the syllabus without   3  Complete these sentences with your own words, then
            consulting students.                                  compare ideas with a partner.
             If you study abroad, you should take every occasion /
            opportunity to learn the language.                       I hope one day I’ll have the opportunity …
             There’s a strong opportunity / possibility that you will      Next year there’s a possibility that I’ll …
            win one of the three available scholarships.             Unfortunately, I have very little chance of ever …
             Our graduation ceremony next week will be a very        I hope the occasion never arises when I …
            special opportunity / occasion.
             According to the weather forecast, there’s a distinct
            possibility / occasion of rain tomorrow.

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