Page 113 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 113                                                                                         Unit  1 0
                                                                                                                 Unit 10

        Speaking | 1BSU

        1  Work in pairs. Discuss these written prompts for a
          Speaking Part 3 task.

                                                  A class of
          Self-study                            20–30 with a
                              For what
                              are these
                            approaches to
                           learning suited?
         Group work                             One-to-one: a
          without a                             teacher with a
           teacher                                 student
                             A lecture to
                            many people                         3  How would you answer questions 1–6 in Exercise 2?
                                                                  Make brief notes.

                                                                4     14 Listen to two exam candidates discussing two
                                                                  of these questions. Which questions do they discuss?
                                                                  Do they express any ideas that are similar to yours?

                                                                5  Look at the following words and phrases from the
                                                                  recording. Which ones could you use to answer
                                                                  questions 1–6 in Exercise 2?
                                                                  academic study  class teaching  individual student
                                                                  learning style  pair or group work  primary school
                                                                  programme of study  range of abilities
                                                                  secondary school
        2  Questions 1–6 below are some possible Part 4
          questions which might follow on from the written        give clear instructions  manage one’s own learning
          prompts you have been discussing. Which questions       work independently
          B  ask you to choose between two options?               effective (in)formal motivated motivating
          C  ask for an explanation of an established fact?       time-consuming
          D  ask whether you agree with something or not?
          E  ask for a number of different ideas?               6  Work in pairs. Answer the questions in Exercise 2,

             Why do you think lectures are a more common as a     taking turns to start the discussion. Use some of the
            form of teaching in universities than in schools?     language from Exercise 5 in your discussion.
             What are the advantages and disadvantages of one-to-
            one teaching from a student’s point of view?         Exam advice
             Some people think that individual study is the least   t   Listen very carefully to the question you are asked,
            effective way of learning. Do you share this view? Why   but also to your partner because you may be asked to
            (not)?                                                  respond to something he/she says.
             Do you think project work is an approach more suited   t   Express your opinions clearly and be prepared to
            to older or younger students? Why?                      justify or explain what you say, or to suggest a range of
             Which do you think is more important from a student’s   possible ideas to answer the question.
            point of view: a good teacher or a small class? Why?  t   Remember that fl uency is important, so make sure you
             Do you think that exams are the best and fairest means   give full answers.
            of assessing students? Why (not)?

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