Page 110 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 110

   10               A lifelong process

        Starting off

        1  Work in pairs.

             Look at the photos of different educational
            establishments. How many of these have you attended?
            Which did you enjoy most? Why?
             Tell each other about your education to date. What do/
            did you most like and dislike about the process?
             In some countries, children start school at the age of
            four, while in others the age is seven. When did you start?
            What do you think is the most appropriate age?
             What do you think is the optimum number of students in
            a class at primary, secondary and higher education levels?


        2  How far do you agree or disagree with these opinions about education?
          Tick the boxes (1 = strongly agree; 5 = strongly disagree).
                                                                                               1    2    3    4    5
           a  Parents should have the choice of sending children to school or educating them
             themselves at home.
           b  An education system which does not teach young people how to think for themselves is
             a failure.
           c  My country’s education systems encourage conformity and discourage originality and
           d  A teacher’s main job is to help pupils or students to pass examinations.
           e  The main purpose of education is to equip young people with the practical skills they
             need for work.
           G  The purpose of a university education is to produce future generations of leaders.

        3  Compare ideas with your partner and discuss any points of disagreement.

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