Page 112 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 112
        A lifelong process

        Reading and Use of

        English | 1BSU
        1  You are going to read a short article
          describing the importance of
          training in the workplace. Before
          you read, do the exercise in the
          Exam round-up box.

        Exam round-up

         How much do you remember about
         Use of English Part 1? Circle the
         correct alternative in each of these
            In Use of English Part 1 there is a text
           with eight / ten gaps.                 Why do we need lifelong learning?
            For each gap you are given a choice
                                                  Incentives play an important (0)  C   in our decisions to learn. As
           of three / four possible answers.
                                                  we age, the outcomes of (1)      in learning are not the same as
            You should read the text before /
           after reading the options.             when we were younger. The type of work-related learning we do also
                                                  changes as we get older. Most workers over 45 participate in learning
        2  Write your own defi nitions for        (2)       directly related to their function. By contrast, young
          these phrases, which appear in the      workers are more likely to regard training as an (3)    in their
          article.                                future careers.
          lifelong learning  retraining           Organisations want to continually renew their skills base and until
          upgrade (your) skills                   recently have (4)      this largely through a steady inflow of newly

                                                  qualified young people onto the labour (5)      . Traditionally, we

        3  Work in pairs. Compare your
          definitions, then discuss these         have had a mix of those young people, who bring new skills to the

          questions.                              workplace, and a proportion of older workers, who (6)      their
                                                  experience. We are now seeing a decreasing proportion of young
             Why do some adults want to learn
            something new?                        people entering the workforce and an increase in the proportion
             How is learning as an adult different   of older people. So unless we change the (7)    of our learning
            from learning as a younger person?    across life, we will see a (8)    in these new skills in the working
             Why do you think the idea of         population.
            lifelong learning has become so
            popular in recent years?
                                                     " focus          B game          C role            D feature
        4  Read the article Why do we need           A participation    #   joining   C attendance      D activity
          lifelong learning?. Does the writer
          mention any of the ideas you               A  actions       B activities    C acts            D modules
          discussed?                                 A interest       B investment    C investigation   D inspiration

        5  Read the article again. For               A affected       B fulfi lled     C achieved        D succeeded
          questions 1–8, decide which                A workforce      B employment    C staff           D market
          answer (A, B, C or D) best fi ts each
          gap. There is an example at the            A donate         B supply        C contribute      D sell
          beginning (0).                             A way            B method        C means           D nature

                                                     A decline        B cutback       C fall            D lessening

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