Page 111 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 111                                                                                         Unit 10

        Listening | 1BSU

        1  Work in pairs.
             Would you like to study abroad? Why (not)?
             Which country/countries would you choose? Why?
             What difficulties might you experience?
             What difficulties might a foreign student experience in
            your country?
             How do you think a period of study abroad would
            change you?

        2  You will hear a British student talking about her
          daily life in Abu Dhabi, where she is currently
          spending a year studying. Which of these aspects of
          her life there do you think she might comment on?
          climate food accommodation clothes language
          transport lessons teaching staff exams social life

        3     13 Listen to the recording to find out if any of
          your ideas are mentioned.

        4  Now read the sentences below. Can you guess what
          word or phrase is missing from each sentence?

          The speaker chose to study Arabic because one of the
            teachers had a (1)                 for the subject.  5    13 Listen to the recording again. For questions
                                                                  1–8 in Exercise 4 complete the sentences with a word
          The language spoken in the city where she is studying   or short phrase.
            is a (2)                 which people understand
            across the region.
                                                                 Exam advice
          The fact that students were a                          t   Read the gapped sentences before you listen. This
            who were not married meant that they were not           will show you how the recording is organised and give
            allowed to stay at the first hotel.                      you an idea of the topic. The gaps in the sentences
          One member of the group returned home soon                should provide a clear idea of what information you are
            after arriving because he was suffering from            listening for.
                                 .                               t   Fill in the gaps with the actual words you hear, without
                                                                    changing them in any way.
          The (5)                  is located in a shopping
                                                                 t   Check that your completed sentences are
                                                                    grammatically correct.
          In the (6)                they do with their teacher   t   Answer every question even if you are not sure.
            Ingy, the students learn how to shop for food.
          Arabic pronunciation is not easy for the speaker      6  Work in pairs.
            because the back (7)                  has to be
                                                                     Imagine you had the chance to study any language in
            used to produce some sounds.
                                                                     the world.
          The speaker and her friends spend their weekends at a     t  8IJDI MBOHVBHF XPVME ZPV DIPPTF
            (8)                  where they can swim and lie        t  8IFSF XPVME ZPV DIPPTF UP MFBSO JU
            by the pool.                                             Do you think single-sex groups learn better than
                                                                     mixed-sex groups?
                                                                     How influential do you think teachers are in students’
                                                                     choice of subjects?

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