Page 114 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 114
        A lifelong process

        Reading and Use of English | 1BSU

        1  Imagine you are about to apply for a university
          course. Which of these factors would be most
          important to you in choosing which course to
          apply for?
          t  the location of the university
          t  the quality of teaching
          t  the reputation of the university
          t  the cost of tuition
          t  the number of students in each class/lecture
          t  the quality of student accommodation
          t  the help and support provided for applicants
          t  the atmosphere on the university campus
          t  the opportunities for socialising
          t  the  non-academic facilities, e.g. for sports,
            entertainment, shopping
        2  Which of the universities shown in the photos most
          appeals to you? Why? Compare your answers to this
          and Exercise 1 with other students.

        3  You are going to read comments from fi ve students
          explaining why they chose their university. First
          read questions 1–10 and underline the key ideas.
          Which student
          chose a university which sold itself more
          convincingly than others he/she had seen?  1
          feels as if he/she really belongs to the
                                                     2          4  Now read the texts. For questions 1–10, choose from
          university he/she chose?                                the texts (A–E). The texts may be chosen more than

          is doing a degree course which precedes a               once.

          course of professional training?
                                                                5  Work in small groups.
          is hoping to pass on knowledge to others?                  Discuss what measures could be taken to improve

          chose not to live in student accommodation                 education in your country. Think about all levels, from
                                                     5               nursery school to university.
          even though he/she was impressed by it?
                                                                     Make a list of fi ve suggestions to present to the rest of
          initially thought that the location of the                 the class.
          campus was a negative feature?             6
                                                                 Exam advice
          was impressed by the teachers’ enthusiasm              t   The questions or statements precede the text(s) in
          for their subjects?                        7
                                                                    this part of the exam. Study these carefully before
          was very impressed by how knowledgeable                   you read the text(s).
                                                     8           t   Read the text(s) carefully, looking for the
          the people he/she met on open day were?
                                                                    information referred to in the ten questions or
          was won over by the friendly welcome he/                  statements.
          she received?                                          t   Many of the sections may say similar things, so
                                                                    you will have to read carefully to decide which
          will leave university with a dual qualifi cation?  10
                                                                    section answers the question exactly.

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