Page 36 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 36
        All in the mind

        3     08 You are going to listen to part of a radio     Vocabulary
          programme about a psychological condition known       /PVOT XIJDI DBO CF DPVOUBCMF PS
          as prosopagnosia. What is the more common name
          for this condition? Listen to the first part of the   VODPVOUBCMF
          programme to find the answer.
                                                                1  Look at the nouns in italics in these extracts from
        4     09 Listen to the whole programme and say if the     Listening Part 2. Are they being used as countable or
          following statements are true (T) or false (F).         uncountable nouns?
             The speaker compares face-blindness to the inability      As soon as someone leaves their sight, the memory of
            to hear.                                                 that person’s face is blank.
             Scientists do not understand how normal people          This ability helps to hold society together and has
            remember faces.                                          enabled human beings to develop a complex culture.
             The face-blind subjects could not distinguish between   2  Write sentences in which the uncountable nouns
            the faces or the objects.                             in Exercise 1 are used as countable nouns and vice
        5  Read the sentences below. How many of the gaps can     versa.
          you already fill? (The number of missing words is     3  In pairs, discuss the countable and uncountable
          in brackets, but this information is not given in the   meanings of these nouns.
                                                                  art business chicken disease exercise speech
          According to the speaker, the painting by René
            Magritte (1)                          the idea of
                                                                     QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Countable and uncountable
            face-blindness. (2 words)                               nouns
          People with face-blindness have no memory
            of a person’s face once the person                  Grammar
            (2)                           their sight. (1 word)
          Some people with this condition are so                no  none  not
                                          that they cannot      1  Complete these extracts with no, none or not.
            recognise members of their own family. (2 words)
                                                                     The subjects were shown pictures of faces with
          It could help scientists to understand                     ………… hair on their heads.
                                          if they knew more          ………… of the subjects could recognise the faces well.
            about face-blindness. (2 words)                          This is ………… to say that prosopagnosia has …………
          Scientists do not yet know whether the ability to
            recognise faces has a (5)                                QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  no, none, not
            of its own or whether it is part of an individual’s
            general ability. (3 words)                          2       Five of these sentences contain mistakes that
                                                                  exam candidates have made in expressing negation.
          In an experiment, a number of (6)
                         were shown images of people, places      Correct the mistakes. (One sentence is correct.)
            and objects. (3 words)                                   It was difficult to get around last weekend as there was
                                                                     not public transport.
          The experiment proved that the human brain processes
            (7)                           differently from           Most students were no satisfied with the standard of
            faces. (2 words)                                         food in the school canteen.
                                                                     We’ve had hardly no communication from
          Other experiments have shown that people with              management for over a week.
            this condition can improve their                         As far as I can see, there’s not much difference
            (8)                           . (3 words)                between Spanish grammar and Italian grammar.
                                                                     I’m afraid I don’t know nothing about psychology.
        6     09 Listen again. For questions 1–8, complete the       We couldn’t get treated for two hours because none
          sentences with a word or short phrase.                     doctors were available.

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