Page 40 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 40
        All in the mind

        Reading and Use of English | 1BSU                        Exam information

        1  You are going to read an article which considers the   In Reading and Use of English Part 2 there is a text with
          extent to which we inherit our personalities as well   eight gaps. You have to write one word in each gap. Most
          as our physical characteristics from our parents.      missing words are ‘grammar words’, e.g.

             What is your opinion on this issue? Are we born with   t   articles (the, a)
            a ready-made personality, or does our personality    t   auxiliary or modal verbs (are, is, can)
            develop from our experiences? Think about yourself   t   pronouns (he, us)
            and people you know.                                 t   conjunctions (but, although)
             Read Nature vs nurture quickly, without paying      t   possessive adjectives (my, our)
            attention to the missing words. What conclusion does   t   prepositions (at, to)
            the article come to?                                 A few may be ‘meaning’ words, e.g. nouns, verbs,
                                                                 adjectives. You must spell your answers correctly.
        2  Work in pairs to complete the text. Use the list below
          to help you think of the type of word you need for
          each gap.                                             3  Now do the task below with no assistance. For
                                                                  questions 1–8, read the text and think of the word

          preposition article verb adjective pronoun              which best fits each gap. Use only one word for each
                                                                  gap. There is an example at the beginning.
          auxiliary verb  auxiliary verb  pronoun

                   Nature vs nurture


                                                                 Where do my talents come from?

                                                                 Some people claim that the ability (0)   to   sing, dance
                                                                 or draw is acquired, rather than inherited. But you know
                                                                 what they also say: some people have it and some people
          You know where your looks come from – for example, you may
                                                                 don’t. How do people actually acquire (1)
          have your mother’s nose or your father’s eyes. But what about
                                                                 individual talents? You could argue that you become good
          things that we cannot see, like your talent (0)   for     (2)          something by determination and constant
          music? Is this something that you learned, or are your abilities   practice, but there are small children with (3)
          and personality traits determined (1)    your genes?   or no training who sing or dance beautifully or are clearly
          What makes (2)           individual behave in a certain way   genius-level artists. Most children of musicians and actors
          and display certain talents?                           seem to be talented (4)          their parents. Then
                                                                 again, I personally can sing, dance and draw but my
          Scientists are not clear what the answer to this
                                                                 parents have none of those abilities. I was singing and
          question (3)          . Those who support the ‘nature’
                                                                 drawing (5)            I was little but had never been in
          theory  believe that humans are genetically programmed to   a choir or to an art class in my life. It just came naturally to
          behave in certain ways, regardless of culture and upbringing.   (6)    . I suppose you could say that being born
          On the (4)          hand we have the ‘nurture’         (7)             stronger lungs or longer legs and arms
          theory, (5)         argues that a person’s behaviour   might give you (8)           advantage.
          and personality (6)        developed by teaching
          and experience. There is evidence to support both of these   4  Discuss these questions.
          theories and the debate (7)       still to be resolved.
                                                                     What physical characteristics have you inherited from
          (8)            seems most probable that both theories have
                                                                     your parents?
          their validity and that nature and nurture each play a part in
                                                                     Where do your likes, dislikes, tastes and interests come
          making us who we are.                                      from – your genes or your experience?

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