Page 42 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 42
        All in the mind

        Writing | 1BSU

        "O FTTBZ
        1  Discuss these questions in pairs or groups and note
          down your ideas while you are talking.
             What are some causes of unhappiness or tension
            t  GPS FNQMPZFFT JO UIF XPSLQMBDF                   3  Read the following essay on the task in Exercise 2.
            t  GPS TUVEFOUT BU TDIPPM PS VOJWFSTJUZ               Then discuss these questions with a partner.
             What can employers or educational organisations do      Has the writer
            to increase happiness and reduce tension?              B  discussed two methods?
        2  Read the essay task below and discuss these             C  provided reasons for his/her opinion?
          questions.                                               D  used his/her own words?
                                                                     Is the style of the essay appropriate?
             In the context of employment, what do you consider to      Is the essay roughly the correct length?
            be good communications?
             What do you understand by the term work–life         Methods employers should adopt to ensure
             What does the phrase feel valued mean to you?        that their employees are happy and motivated
             Do you strongly agree or disagree with any of the three
                                                                  There is no doubt, in my opinion, that the happier and
                                                                  more motivated employees are, the more productive
                                                                  they are likely to be. This almost certainly results in the
           ‘—” …Žƒ•• Šƒ• Ž‹•–‡‡† –‘ ƒ †‡„ƒ–‡ ƒ„‘—– ‡–Š‘†• ‡’Ž‘›‡”•
          should use to ensure that their workforce is happy and   organisation they are employed by being more successful
          ‘–‹˜ƒ–‡†Ǥ  ‘— Šƒ˜‡ ƒ†‡ –Š‡ ‘–‡• „‡Ž‘™Ǥ               than it would otherwise be. For this reason, it is in
                                                                  employers’ interests to ensure that their workers are
            ‘™ …ƒ ‡’Ž‘›‡”• ‡•—”‡ –Šƒ– –Š‡‹” ‡’Ž‘›‡‡• ƒ”‡      happy and motivated. I’ll now consider methods which
                        Šƒ’’› ƒ† ‘–‹˜ƒ–‡†ǫ
                                                                  employers could adopt to achieve this.
           Ȉ   ‡•–ƒ„Ž‹•Š ‰‘‘† …‘—‹…ƒ–‹‘•                      Perhaps the most important thing employers can do is
           Ȉ   ‡…‘—”ƒ‰‡ ƒ ™‘”ȂŽ‹ˆ‡ „ƒŽƒ…‡                      make employees feel valued, not just as paid workers
                                                                  but as individuals. In practice, this should involve
           Ȉ   ƒ‡ ‡’Ž‘›‡‡• ˆ‡‡Ž ˜ƒŽ—‡† ƒ• ’‡‘’Ž‡
                                                                  establishing good relationships between staff at all levels.
                                                                  Employees should have access to those above them in
                    ‘‡ ‘’‹‹‘• ‡š’”‡••‡† ‹ –Š‡ †‡„ƒ–‡ǣ
                                                                  their organisation, people with whom they can discuss

                   Ǯ ‘•– ‡’Ž‘›‡‡• ƒ”‡ •ƒ–‹•Ƥ‡† ‹ˆ –Š‡› ƒ”‡ ™‡ŽŽ
                   paid’                                          their work or personal matters which affect their work.
                                                                  Employees will feel valued if they know that they are

                   Ǯ Š‡ Šƒ’’‹‡” ‡’Ž‘›‡‡• ƒ”‡ǡ –Š‡ ‘”‡ ‡ƥ…‹‡–   being listened to.
                   ƒ† ’”‘†—…–‹˜‡ –Š‡› ™‹ŽŽ „‡Ǥǯ
                   Ǯ ‘— ‡‡† –‘ „‡ ƒ„Ž‡ –‘ †‹•…—•• ’”‘„Ž‡• ™‹–Š   Employers should also, in my view, encourage employees
                   your colleagues and your manager.’             to have a healthy work–life balance. This means
                                                                  accepting that employees need time to pursue leisure
                                                                  activities and to socialise with their friends and families.
                                                                  Employers should even discourage employees from
          Write an essay discussing two of the methods in your notes.
          You should ‡š’Žƒ‹ ™Š‹…Š ‡–Š‘† ›‘— –Š‹ ‹• ‘”‡       starting work too early in the morning or from taking on
          ‹’‘”–ƒ– for employers to adopt, ’”‘˜‹†‹‰ reasons to   a lot of overtime and finishing late in the evening.
          support your answer.
                                                                  I believe that both the approaches I’ve suggested are
          You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed   actually interdependent; one of the ways employers can
          ‹ –Š‡ †‡„ƒ–‡ǡ „—– ›‘— •Š‘—Ž† —•‡ ›‘—” ‘™ ™‘”†• ƒ• ˆƒ” ƒ•   make their employees feel valued is to recognise that
          ’‘••‹„Ž‡Ǥ                                               they have lives outside work. This will help to ensure that
                                                                  employees remain happy and motivated.

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