Page 41 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 41                                                                                         Unit 3

        Speaking | 1BSU                                         4  Read the examiner’s instructions. Then look at the
                                                                  written prompts below and prepare what you are
        Exam information                                          going to say.
         In Speaking Part 3, you and the other candidate discuss a
         situation or issue together.
                                                                      Here are some of the actions that people take to
         t   The examiner gives you instructions and a set of         prevent or cope with stress. Talk to each other
           written prompts.                                           about how effective these actions might be in
         t   You have about 15 seconds to think about the task and    helping people to prevent or cope with stress.
           then two minutes to discuss your ideas.
         t   The examiner then asks you another question, which
           requires you to come to a decision. You have one
           minute to do this.                                       avoiding                             taking regular
         This part tests your ability to interact with your partner   situations                            exercise
         by exchanging ideas, expressing and justifying opinions,                    How effective
         agreeing and disagreeing, speculating, evaluating and                      are these actions
         reaching a decision through discussion. It is important                      in preventing
         that you keep talking.                                                      or coping with
        1  Do the following tasks related to the causes of stress   expressing                             practising
          in today’s society.                                     your feelings                            relaxation
             Make a list of things that make people feel stressed, for                 having an          techniques
            example, overwork, diffi cult relationships, etc.                          active social
             Compare lists with a partner. How many causes of                             life
            stress are in both your lists?
             Explain to your partner how you cope with stressful   5  Now discuss the prompts with your partner. Your
            situations you fi nd yourself in.                      discussion should last for about two minutes.
        2     10 Listen to two people discussing stress and how   6  After your discussion, the examiner will give you a

          they cope with it. Do either of the speakers mention    final instruction, like this:
          any of the causes of stress that you have discussed?
        3     10 To make sure you don’t speak too much in the         Now you have about a minute to decide which
          discussion, ask your partner questions. Listen to the       action would be the most effective in helping
          conversation again and complete these questions             people prevent or deal with stress.
          which the speakers ask to involve their partner.

             Do you know what I           ?                       Try to reach agreement with your partner.
             That’s one of the worst effects of stress,     ?
             So what            if you’re feeling stressed?
             What             you?
             Have you            that?

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