Page 43 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 43                                                                                         Unit 3

        4  Look at the structure of the sample essay and discuss  6  Consider how you can adapt the paragraph structure
          the following.                                          in Exercise 4 for the new essay task. Discuss this
             Summarise the purpose of each of the four paragraphs,
            like this:                                            Which of the following paragraph openings would be
            Para 1:   ntroduction showing the writer’s general approach to the   appropriate for this essay and in which paragraph (1–4)
                   topic                                          would each of these fi t best?
            Para 2:  One of the methods ...                          One way in which schools can help is …
             How do the paragraphs relate to the essay task?         Both of these methods …
             In which paragraph(s) does the writer express his/her      I feel incredibly stressed out when …
                                                                     Firstly, …
        5  Read the essay task below.                                For many students, exams are …
                                                                     Another method …
             Discuss the topic of the essay with a partner, using your      Exams don’t bother me much …
            own experience of schools or universities.               In my opinion, the more important …
             Do you agree with any of the opinions expressed?
                                                                     Exam stress is a problem which …
                                                                     In addition, …
          You have taken part in a seminar discussing how schools and
          universities can help to make the exam period less stressful   7  Plan and write your essay on the task in Exercise 5.
          ˆ‘” •–—†‡–•Ǥ  ‘— Šƒ˜‡ ƒ†‡ –Š‡ ‘–‡• „‡Ž‘™Ǥ            Start by making a paragraph plan which is clearly
                                                                  related to the essay task, as in Exercise 4.
              ‘™ …ƒ •…Š‘‘Ž• ƒ† —‹˜‡”•‹–‹‡• Š‡Ž’ –‘ ‡•—”‡

            –Šƒ– •–—†‡–• †‘ ‘– •—ơ‡” ˆ”‘ •–”‡•• †—”‹‰ –Š‡    Exam advice
                            ‡šƒ ’‡”‹‘†ǫ
                                                                 Make sure that you
               Ȉ  •—’’‘”– ˆ”‘ –—–‘”•                            t   read the question and notes carefully, underlining key
               Ȉ  ƒ •–”—…–—”‡† ”‡˜‹•‹‘ –‹‡–ƒ„Ž‡ ’”‹‘” –‘ ‡šƒ•    words so that you know exactly what you have to do
               Ȉ  –‹‡ ˆ‘” ”‡Žƒšƒ–‹‘ ƒ† Ž‡‹•—”‡ ƒ…–‹˜‹–‹‡•     t   answer the question, dealing with two of the three
                                                                    topic areas listed
                     ‘‡ ‘’‹‹‘• ‡š’”‡••‡† ‹ –Š‡ •‡‹ƒ”       t   use your own words if you decide to make use of any
                    Ǯ –—†‡–• ‡‡† –‘ ”‡‡„‡” –Šƒ– –Š‡”‡ ‹• ‘”‡   of the opinions expressed.
                    to life than exam success.’                  Start by making a paragraph plan to ensure that you
                    Ǯ ‡˜‹•‹‰ ˆ‘” ͚͜ Š‘—”• ƒ †ƒ› „‡ˆ‘”‡ ‡šƒ•    cover all the points in the question.
                    doesn’t necessarily lead to success.’
                    ‘You won’t do well on the day if you feel

          Write an essay discussing two of the methods in your notes.
          You should ‡š’Žƒ‹ ™Š‹…Š ‡–Š‘† ›‘— –Š‹ is more
          ‹’‘”–ƒ– for schools and universities to adopt, ’”‘˜‹†‹‰
          reasons to support your answer.

          You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed
          ‹ –Š‡ •‡‹ƒ”ǡ „—– ›‘— •Š‘—Ž† —•‡ ›‘—” ‘™ ™‘”†• ƒ• ˆƒ” ƒ•

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