Page 79 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 79                                                                                         Unit 7

        4     20 Listen to the five speakers and do Tasks One    Exam advice
          and Two.
                                                                 t   Before you listen, read both tasks, underlining the key
                                                                    ideas in each option.
          5"4, 0/&
          For questions 1–5, choose from the list (A–H) the      t   Listen for words and phrases which mean the same
          person who is speaking.                                   as the key ideas you have underlined. Listen for the
                                                                    answers to both tasks. You may hear the answer to Task
           A   a composer                                           Two before the answer to Task One.
                                         4QFBLFS         1
           B   a festival worker                                 t   Wait until each speaker has finished talking before you
           C   an orchestra member       4QFBLFS         2          choose your answer.
           D   a folk musician
           &   someone with varied
               musical tastes            4QFBLFS                Vocabulary
           F   a rock musician                                  $PNQMFY QSFQPTJUJPOT
                                         4QFBLFS         5
           G   a trombone player
                                                                1  Some prepositions are phrases of three words, for
           H   a novice dancer
          5"4, 580                                                I’ve travelled all over the world and played in front of
          For questions 6–10, choose from the list (A–H) the      audiences of thousands.
          feelings expressed by the speakers.                     As well as the kind of instruments I was familiar with …

           A   gratitude for an invention                         Complete these sentences with the correct
           B   disappointment at a failure                        prepositions.
           C   cautious optimism about                               Last night’s concert was performed     aid      a
               an ambitious project      4QFBLFS         6           charitable trust.
           D   gratitude to musicians
                                                                     These remarkable sounds were produced
                                         4QFBLFS         7
           &   satisfaction in having                                means        magnetic waves.
               contributed to a successful   4QFBLFS     8           She’s bought an electric guitar    place      her
               event                                                 old acoustic one.
                                         4QFBLFS         9
           F   relief that a project has                             We couldn’t sleep      account       the bright
               succeeded                 4QFBLFS         10          light outside our window.
                                                                           behalf       the whole family, I’d like to thank
           G   enthusiasm for a new
               interest                                              you for being with us today.
                                                                     I am writing to you     regard      your recent
           H   pride in a tradition                                  enquiry.
                                                                     His grandfather played music very much
        5     20 In each of these sentences, which word did the      keeping       folk traditions.
          speaker use? When you have chosen, listen to the           We worked for five hours a day     exchange
          recording again to check your answers.                     meals and accommodation.
             He sang at family assemblies / gatherings / meetings.  2  Match each three-word phrase from Exercise 1 with
             The rhythm was so conspicuous / defective / infectious   the correct meaning.
            that some of the audience got up and bopped about.    B  because of
             I have it with me all the time, whether I’m commuting /   C  fitting appropriately with
            computing / conducting to work, exercising or just    D  on the subject of
            chilling.                                             E  in order to help
             We’re  planning to make a recording, but the         F  in return for
            linguistics / logistics / statistics are a nightmare.  G  representing
             I’ve just come back from Womad in Singapore – it was   H  as a substitute for
            awful / awesome / fearsome.                           I  by using

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