Page 81 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 81                                                                                         Unit  7
                                                                                                                 Unit 7

                                                                5  Work in pairs. What do you think the phrases in
                                                                  italics from the article mean? What clues did you use
                                                                  to guess the meanings?
                                                                     These worlds differ from multi-player online games.
                                                                     … eventually a forerunner of the Internet.
                                                                     … as long as they couldn’t hack into the system.
                                                                     The Palace was a more chat-oriented world.
                                                                     The media buzz led many more people to explore
                                                                     virtual worlds.
                                                                     These business spent money … but then got little
                                                                     … making it diffi cult for companies to get their
                                                                     attention en masse.

                                                                6  Discuss these questions.
                                                                     What kind of new online virtual world would attract
       A  However, while other worlds were withering, Linden Labs
                                                                     What would your avatar be like?
          was developing their new virtual world, Second Life, which
          still exists today. Here you can create your own objects and
                                                                 Exam advice
          buildings, and you have ownership rights over them. ‘Linden
          dollars’ are a currency which you can trade with real dollars.   t   First, read the main body of the text carefully to
          Real-world businesses can sell just about anything you    familiarise yourself with the contents of each paragraph
          could possibly want in the virtual world. Universities offer   and how the whole text is structured.
          courses through Second Life, and bands play live shows and   t   Then read each of the missing paragraphs one by
          chat with fans in special in-world venues.                one. Pay close attention to the content and place each
                                                                    paragraph in a gap after you have read it.

       B  That presents a problem for the many marketers such as
          Coca-Cola and Adidas who set up virtual spaces in Second
          Life, only to have them largely vacant. These businesses   E  The media buzz led many more people to explore virtual
          spent money – in the tens of thousands of dollars – to build   worlds for the fi rst time and Linden claims to have registered
          a virtual island as an experiment, but then got little payoff.   nearly 10 million avatars for Second Life since its inception.
          Residents are dispersed throughout the virtual world,     But many users ended up disappointed.
          making it hard for companies to get their attention en
          masse, and there’s a limit to the number of people who can
                                                                 F  The next stage was when Lucas Film Games, a video game
          congregate in one place without crashing Linden’s servers.
                                                                    publisher, developed Habitat, a more two-dimensional
                                                                    environment that included humanoid avatars, and people
                                                                    could access the game through an early online service called
       C  Later, with the rise of the web, virtual worlds started
                                                                    Quantum Link. Developers Morningstar and Farmer, who still
          booming. The Active Worlds platform allowed people to join
                                                                    maintain a blog about their experience, say they generally
          for free or pay a monthly fee for premium features, while
                                                                    allow Habitat residents to set their own rules governing the
          The Palace was a more chat-oriented world that became
                                                                    world – as long as they couldn’t hack into the system.
          popular in entertainment circles.

       D  Second Life is built from user-generated content: its   G  These worlds differ from massive multi-player online games
          software provides the tools to design a dress, construct a   (MMOGs) because they don’t offer battles against monsters
          building or carry out a range of other real-world activities.   or have an overriding mission for players. For example, a
          Its population includes a pet manufacturer, a nightclub   resident of the virtual world Second Life might spend time in
          owner, a car maker, a fashion designer, an architect, a tour   that space accumulating virtual land, rather than striving to
          guide and a property speculator.                          complete quests as they would in many popular MMOGs.

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