Page 85 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 85                                                                                         Unit 7

        Speaking | 1BSU                                         4  Now take turns with a partner to answer the
                                                                  questions in Exercise 2. After your turn, ask your
        1  Work in pairs. Read the examiner’s instruction and     partner’s opinion about the question you have
          the written prompts for a Part 3 task. Discuss the      answered. Use some of the words in the box.
          question with your partner.
                                                                  Nouns:  achievement  a common goal  cooperation
             Here are some team-building activities which have    Verbs:  appreciate compete contribute cooperate
             been suggested for new members of a social                  share support respect
             club. Talk to each other about how effective these   Adjectives: constructive  creative  productive
             activities would be in helping people to get to
             know each other better.                                     supportive  worthwhile

                                                                 Exam advice
                            How effective
         Playing a team     would each of        Raising funds   t   Listen carefully to all the examiner’s questions – you
             sport          these activities      for a club        may be asked the same question as your partner.
                             be in helping                       t   Listen to your partner’s answers to questions, as you
                           people to get to                         may have to respond to these.
                           know each other                       t   Try to use a range of expressions to express and justify
                               better?                              opinions and to agree and disagree.
         Rock climbing                            computer
                           Teaching others     games in teams
                              a new skill
        2  Read these Part 4 questions that might follow the
          Part 3 task above. Which of the six questions would
          you most like to answer? Which would you fi nd the

          most difficult to answer? Briefly exchange ideas in
             Some people say that team-building activities are a
            waste of time. Do you agree?
             What qualities does a person need to be a good team
             What can managers do make sure their teams of
            employees work well together on a day-to-day basis?
             Large clubs and organisations are more likely than
            small ones to organise team-building activities. Why do
            you think this is?
             What problems can arise if individuals in a large
            organisation feel isolated or undervalued?
             Is it always best to for people to avoid confl ict with
            others? Why (not)?

        3     21 Listen to two extracts from a Part 4 exam.
             Which two questions from Exercise 2 are the
            candidates answering?
             In each dialogue, what is the fi rst speaker’s main point?
             Does the second speaker agree, partly agree or disagree?
             What opinion would you give?

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