Page 86 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 86
        Leisure and entertainment

        Writing | 1BSU

        1  Answer these questions individually. Then compare     A   … so am looking for a family of masochists to put
          your answers with a partner.                               me up for a few days. As you seemed sorry we didn’t
             How often do you write letters (not including emails)?  manage to meet up last time I was over, I thought
             Why and when might you write a letter rather than       I’d give you fi rst option this time. I’ll be around from
            sending a text or writing an email?                      7–11 November. Don’t worry if it’s inconvenient,
                                                                     there are loads of other people I can ask, but it’d be
        2  Read the extracts A–E from five letters. Number           good to see you all.

          them 1–5 according to how formal they are (1 = very
          informal, 5 = very formal).

             What is the purpose of the letter each extract is taken
            from?                                                B

             What can you deduce about the writers and recipients     We can now confirm that we have taken 1,490
            of each letter?                                           euros from your credit card account, that being
             What features of informal language does each extract     the total cost of your forthcoming vacation. Any
            include?                                                  agreed deductions for extras, breakages, cleaning,
                                                                      etc. will be debited from your credit card the week
        3  Rewrite these formal expressions in more informal          following your departure.

          English. The first six expressions are from extracts
          B and E.
             We can now confi rm that
             your forthcoming vacation                           C
             will be debited from your credit card                   Secondly, we would like to try to get everyone
             the week following your departure                       together before they start their summer break – we’re
             Please accept my apologies for this                     asking all the trainees and course tutors over for a
             We do make every effort                                 barbecue in Junko’s garden on 15 June. It’s a Friday
             Firstly, I raised the issue of                          evening, so hopefully people shouldn’t be going to
             Should you wish me to act on your behalf                work or doing anything too serious the next day.
             There is another factor that needs to be taken into
             I am not in a position to provide advice on this matter

             QBHF     8SJUJOH SFGFSFODF  Emails and letters     D
                                                                      Just a short note to thank you for the music on Saturday.
        4  Rewrite these openings to letters replying to extracts     Everyone seemed to have an excellent time and we have
          A and C. Use more appropriate language.                     had some nice emails and notes back. Everyone really
                                                                      liked the dancing as well – I thought it set the evening up
          A  Thank you for your enquiry about accommodation           very nicely.
            for fi ve days in November. Unfortunately, our
            rooms are fully booked during this period and I am
            therefore unable to comply with your request.
                                                                      Please accept my apologies for this. We do make
                                                                      every effort to pack the CDs well and always use
          C  With reference to your letter of 24 May, I wish to
                                                                      the best available courier company. Unfortunately,
            express my appreciation of your invitation to attend
                                                                      the CD cases themselves are quite fragile and it only
            the college function on 15 June and to inform you
                                                                      needs one employee in any of the various depots
            that I shall be very happy to attend.
                                                                      across the country to drop one of the boxes or to
                                                                      throw it into the back of a van and the whole batch
                                                                      can be damaged.

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