Page 82 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 82
        Picture yourself

        Grammar                                                 3  Complete these sentences with relative pronouns. You
                                                                  may also have to include a preposition.
                                                                     Farmville,           is a popular online game, is
        DMBVTFT                                                      usually played through Facebook.
        1  Complete these extracts from Reading and Use of           Players have a ‘home’ farm and several themed farms
          English Part 7 with a word or phrase from the list.                    they can grow a range of crops.
                                                                     The main way             a player earns money is by
          based explaining in which making played that               harvesting crops or visiting neighbours.
                                                                     People             I know quite well spend several
          where which who
                                                                     hours a day playing Farmville.
                                                                     Anyone             has experienced it knows all too
             Virtual worlds are online three-dimensional spaces      well – video game addiction is real.
                         you can interact with other people.         There are some people             lives have been
             The origin of virtual worlds goes back to early games   changed forever by their addiction to video games.
            such as Maze War,            was developed in the        There are many adults and children          video
            early 1970s.                                             games are an escape from the pressures of real life.
             It was one of the first games         on linked          A self-confessed addict,          has been hooked
            computers.                                               on Second Life for years, admits it causes him problems.
             The things that are important are the ways
            these various participants can affect one another.    Are there any sentences in which the relative pronoun
             Residents are dispersed throughout the virtual world,   can be left out?
                         it difficult for companies to get their
            attention.                                          4  Choose the correct participles in these sentences.
             ‘Linden dollars’ are a currency        you can          We came out of the cinema quivered / quivering with
            trade with real dollars.                                 fright.
             It grabbed the attention of the media and marketers,      We’d seen a film based / having based on a science
                         saw it as a new way of communicating.       fiction short story.
             Business Week ran a story called My Virtual Life,       Reading / Having read the story, I was interested to see
                         breathlessly that ‘big advertisers are      how they would turn it into a film.
            taking notice’.                                          It was only the second film made / having been made by
             MTV created a range of virtual worlds         on        this director.
            the content of its original television shows.            I’d read a review of the film in a magazine specialising /
                                                                     specialised in science fiction stories.
        2  Discuss these questions on the sentences in Exercise 1.
             B  Which sentences contain a relative clause?      -JOLJOH JEFBT  BQQPTJUJPO
           C  Which of these are defining clauses (containing
                                                                5  It is often possible to link information about someone/
               essential information)?
                                                                  something by putting two nouns or noun phrases next
           D  Which are non-defining clauses (containing
                                                                  to each other, with no relative pronoun.
               additional, non-essential information)?
             B  Which sentences contain a participle clause?      The next stage was when Lucas Film Games, a video game
           C  Which of these use a present participle and which   publisher, developed Habitat, a more two-dimensional
               use a past participle?                             environment.
           D  In which sentences does the participle clause
               replace a relative clause?                         Join these sentences using phrases in apposition.
           E  In which sentences does the participle clause link      The Matrix came out in 1999. It is a science fiction film.
               two actions which happen at the same time?            Thomas Anderson is the central character. He is a
             In which of the sentences could the relative pronoun be   computer programmer and a hacker.
            left out? Why?                                           The star of the film is Keanu Reeves. Keanu Reeves is a
                                                                     famous American actor.
             QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Linking ideas
                                                                     The film popularised ‘bullet time’. Bullet time is an effect
                                                                     which allows actions to be filmed at different speeds.

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