Page 80 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 80
        Leisure and entertainment

        Reading and Use of English | 1BSU

        1  Work in pairs. You are going to read an article about   3  Read paragraphs A–G. Note down a phrase that
          virtual online worlds.                                  summarises the main idea of each paragraph.
             What do you know about virtual worlds?               Example:
             Why do you think people create avatars in virtual    Para A: what users can do in Second Life
            worlds? (An avatar is an image or virtual representation
            of a person.)                                       4  Now choose from the paragraphs A–G the one

        2  Read the main part of the article (but not the missing   which fits each gap in the text. There is one extra
          paragraphs A–G).                                        paragraph which you do not need to use.

             When did the fi rst virtual world games appear?
             Why did Second Life become less popular?
             How does the writer expect virtual worlds to develop in
            the future?

          Your guide to virtual worlds

          Virtual worlds are online three-dimensional spaces where
                                                                It was this range of creative possibilities that grabbed the
          you can interact with other people, collect items and build
                                                                attention of the media and marketers, who saw it as a new
          structures, and communicate via a virtual representative of
                                                                way of communicating and selling online. BusinessWeek ran a
          yourself called an avatar. They have been infl uenced by various
                                                                cover story called My Virtual Life, explaining breathlessly that
          science fi ction writers, along with the movie The Matrix.
                                                                ‘big advertisers are taking notice’. Wired magazine ran a special
                                                                travel guide to Second Life, while Reuters assigned a full-time
                                                                reporter to cover news that unfolded there.
          The origin of virtual worlds goes back to early games such
          as Maze War, which was developed in the early 1970s. The   5
          game included eyeballs as avatars, there were maps showing
                                                                The fact is that even though computer hardware and bandwidth
          the levels, and it was one of the fi rst games played on linked
                                                                have improved over the years, Second Life still requires
          computers and eventually on a forerunner of the  Internet.
                                                                sophisticated computer systems and a lot of practice to master
           2                                                    the interface. The number of registered avatars is misleading:
                                                                many people simply try it out and give up, while others have
          In a research paper they wrote: ‘At the core of our vision is the   multiple avatars. A more representative number for regular
          idea that cyberspace is a multiple-participant environment.   users is the number who have logged in during the past seven
          It seems to us that the things that are important to the   days, which is quite low.
          inhabitants of such an environment are the capabilities
          available to them, the characteristics of the other people   6
          they encounter there, and the ways in which these various
                                                                Despite these diffi culties, media companies are still fascinated
          participants can affect one another.’
                                                                with virtual worlds and continue to develop them. For example,
                                                                MTV created a whole range of virtual worlds based on the
                                                                content of its original television shows and other companies
          Most early virtual worlds like these faded because the hardware   have created worlds for students and teens. Even if today’s
          and bandwidth requirements were too stringent, and they never   Second Life doesn’t satisfy the mass market, dozens of other
          established hardcore user bases as dot-com funding dried up at   virtual worlds will certainly spring up, designed to cater for
          the turn of the millennium.                           specifi c tastes and interests.

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