Page 92 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 92
        Media matters

        Speaking | 1BSU                                         3     05 Listen to two candidates discussing the
                                                                  prompts, and answer these questions.
        1  Look at the photos and discuss the following
          questions.                                                 Which of the infl uences do the speakers talk about?
                                                                     Do they answer the question ‘How can these powerful
             How much do you think people are affected by the        infl uences affect people’s ideas and behaviour?’?
            infl uences shown in the photos?                          Do they talk about the infl uences in suffi cient depth?
             What other powerful infl uences shape people’s ideas?      Do they participate equally in the conversation?
            How are people affected by them?
                                                                4     05 Listen again. Which of these examples of
                                                                  imprecise language do the speakers use? (Imprecise
                                                                  language is used when being accurate is impossible,
                                                                  unnecessary, over-formal or too direct.)

                                                                  t  some kind, sort of, stuff, things like that
                                                                  t  two or three, a bit, several, (quite) a few, a lot, lots
                                                                  t  nearly, fairly, pretty, quite, almost, probably
                                                                  t  the suffi x -ish
                                                                     Note: -ish can be added to words to make them less
                                                                     precise, e.g. green ➞ greenish (a shade somewhere
                                                                     between blue and green or grey and green), thirty ➞
                                                                     thirtyish (about 30, between 27 and 33).
                                                                5  Work in pairs and do the task in Exercise 2.

                                                                  t  Make sure you both speak for roughly the same length
                                                                     of time.
                                                                  t  Use imprecise words and phrases from the list above
                                                                     where appropriate.
                                                                6  At the end of Part 3 you and your partner are
                                                                  asked to come to a decision. Follow the examiner’s
                                                                  instruction below with your partner.

                                                                       Now you have about a minute to decide which
                                                                       two of these infl uences have the greatest
                                                                       effect on people.
        2  Read these written prompts for a Speaking Part 3

          task. Briefly consider this task and note down a few
                                                                7     06 Listen to the last part of the interview, where
                                                                  the two candidates respond to the instruction above.

          Advertising                            Newspapers          Do they make the same choices as you?
                                                                     How well do they interact to reach their decision?
                            How can these
                               powerful                          Exam advice
                           infl uences affect                     The most important thing in this part of the exam is to
                            people’s ideas                       demonstrate good communication skills. This involves
                            and behaviour?
                                                                 t   keeping the conversation going and avoiding long
         Television and                          Multinational      pauses. It may sometimes be necessary to invite your
             radio                               corporations       partner to express an opinion.
                                                                 t   listening carefully to what your partner says and
                             The Internet                           responding. Don’t just say what you think.
                                                                 When speaking, look at the person you are talking to.

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