Page 93 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 93                                                                                         Unit 8

        Vocabulary                                              Reading and Use of English | 1BSU

        1  Complete the gaps in this summary with the verbs in
          the box in the correct form. In some cases more than
          one answer is possible.

          comment discuss say speak talk tell

          In Part 3 of the Speaking test the examiner
          (1)             the two candidates that they
          have to (2)            to each other for about
          two minutes. In the conversation you listened to,
          the candidates (3)            the comparative
          importance of a number of influences on people’s
          ideas and behaviour. The first candidate started
          by (4)            that TV has a huge influence
          on people. They went on to (5)            on the
          influential role played by multinational corporations.   1  Discuss these questions in pairs.
          During their conversation the two candidates               Which reality TV shows do you watch or have you
          (6)             for about the same length of time.         watched in the past?
                                                                     Which are the best and worst reality TV shows you have
                                                                     seen? Give your reasons.
        2       Exam candidates sometimes make mistakes         2  Which of the following reality shows would you
          when using ‘talking’ verbs. Choose the correct verbs    watch?
          in these sentences.
                                                                  t  people with new business ideas competing to win
             Many people believe that the mass media do not          investment money from successful entrepreneurs
            always say / tell the truth.                          t  a dance competition featuring celebrities dancing with
             When I’m in China, I can understand what people are     professional dancers
            speaking / saying to me, but I can hardly speak / talk   t  celebrities’ attempts to survive without luxuries in a
            any Chinese myself.                                      jungle environment
             This morning’s newspaper doesn’t even say / mention   t  a cooking competition in which amateur cooks are
            the economic crisis.                                     judged by professionals
             The spokesperson for the authorities expressed /     t  teenagers singing in front of judges to win a recording
            spoke his thanks for people’s understanding.             contract
             There’s an article in my newspaper which says / writes   t  private detectives investigating people suspected of
            that people absorb information more quickly from the     cheating on their partners
            Internet than from printed material.
             When asked about the latest rumours, the minister   3  Some people object to reality TV for ethical or moral
            refused to comment / say.                             reasons. Why is this? Discuss these ideas:
             After Ben had used Wikipedia he said / told everyone   t  the way people are chosen for reality TV shows
            how great it was. He didn’t mention / tell the fact that it   t  the way people are treated on the shows
            had taken him an hour to find what he wanted.          t  the way the programmes are edited
             If you feel strongly about something, you should     t  the effects on contestants of being in the media
            express / speak your mind.                               spotlight

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