Page 94 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 94
        Media matters

        4  Read texts A–D quickly.  What do you understand by
          the following phrases?

          &YUSBDU "     the cult of instant celebrity
                    2 blatant self-promotion
                      a dumbed-down generation
          &YUSBDU #     operating without scripts
                    5 cynically manipulated
          &YUSBDU $   6 social glue                               The  ethics  of  reality  TV
                    7 ‘water cooler moments’
                    8 a cultural imperative                        Reality TV provokes a range of different reactions
                                                                          among commentators and viewers.
          &YUSBDU %  9 a meticulous selection process

        5  Decide what each of these sentences means. Choose        A
          either a or b.
                                                                      Although it’s impossible to ignore their popularity, it
             Reality shows promote the belief that we should aspire   seems to me that many reality shows send an unfortunate
            to be the reality stars we watch on our televisions.    message encouraging a cult of instant celebrity. Many
            (Extract A)                                             are built around blatant self-promotion and are based on
           B  Reality shows suggest to viewers that the stars of    humiliating others for the entertainment of viewers. These
               their programmes are role models worth emulating.    programmes suggest that anyone can become famous
           C  Reality shows want viewers to believe that they are   simply by ‘being themselves’ on TV, without working
               watching real people.                                hard or displaying any talent. Children who watch these
             The unusual settings of shows like Big Brother do not   shows may come to believe that they don’t need to study
            reduce the educational value of observing how the       conscientiously at school, or train hard for a job. As one
            contestants cope with their situation. (Extract B)      commentator points out, ‘We tell kids that what matters is
           B  There is not much that viewers can learn from Big     being a celebrity and we wonder why some behave as they
               Brother and similar shows because contestants are    do. It seems to me that this addiction to celebrity culture
               dealing with such unfamiliar situations.             is creating a dumbed-down generation.’ In pretending
           C  Viewers can learn from watching how contestants       to imitate real life, reality shows promote the belief that
               manage, despite the fact that in Big Brother and     we should aspire to be the reality stars we watch on our
               similar shows they are in unfamiliar surroundings.   televisions.

             The criticism that reality TV shows may corrupt viewers
            is not sustainable. (Extract C)                         B
           B  Reality TV shows can be justifi ably criticised for
               corrupting viewers.                                      One of the reasons so many people enjoy reality shows
           C  It is impossible to criticise reality TV shows on the   is that they feature real people operating without scripts.
               grounds that they can corrupt viewers.               The fact that characters have been selected to encourage
                                                                    disagreements or tension and then cynically manipulated
             This situation is stage-managed by executives who      does not take away from the reality of the programmes;
            make money by attracting impressionable audiences.
                                                                    in fact it adds to it. The unusual settings of shows like Big
            (Extract D)                                             Brother do not reduce the educational value of observing
           B  TV managers manipulate this situation and make        how the contestants cope with their situation. In fact,
               money because they are able to get naïve viewers to   without such shows, most people would have little concept
               watch their shows.                                   of how a group of strangers would be able to survive,
           C  TV managers make money by staging shows which         co-operate and develop in such environments. As Time
               impress viewers.                                     Magazine describes it, ‘They provoke and offend, but at
                                                                    least they are trying to do something besides helping
                                                                    you get to sleep.’ This insight therefore into the human
                                                                    condition is invaluable, and it is little surprise that so many
                                                                    viewers are eager to watch these programmes.

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