Page 99 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 99

                            Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 8

        Vocabulary                                              4  Rewrite the following as direct quotes.

                                                                      The police offi cer wanted to know what I was doing
        1  Complete these words to match the defi nitions.           out so late.
             ex-         (n)     someone who used to work in          She asked if I had any plans for the following evening.
                             politics.                                I said that was the worst programme I’d ever seen.
             mis         (v)   have doubts about someone’s            I promised I’d phone her as soon as I got home.
                             honesty                                  Jerry said he hoped he’d be going there the following
             il        (adj)   against the law                       day.
             dis         (v)   become invisible
             auto         (n)   a life story written by the person   5  Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar

                             him/herself                           meaning to the first sentence, using the word
             re         (n)   the act of claiming something back   given. Do not change the word given. You must use
             pre         (v)   have an opinion before knowing all   between three and six words, including the word
                             the facts                             given.
             de          (v)   make unstable                          Maria said, ‘I’ll never do that again.’
        2  Complete the table with the related words. In some        Maria                              do that again.
          cases there is more than one possible answer.
                                                                      ‘I think you should apply for this job,’ Alexei said to me.
           1 ethics (n)        adjective:                           "%7*4&%
           2 entertain (v)     noun:                                 Alexei                             job.
                               adjective:                             Simon said, ‘Have you ever thought of starting your
           3  cooperate (v)    noun:                                 own business?’
                               adjective:                           "4,&%
           4  production (n)   verb:                                 Simon                              ever thought of
                               adjective:                            starting my own business.
           5  consider (v)     noun:                                  ‘Let’s meet tomorrow,’ said Svetlana.
                               adjective:                           46((&45&%
           6  creative (adj)   verb:                                 Svetlana                             day.
                                                                      ‘Don’t drink if you’re driving,’ the police offi cer said to
                                                                     the motorist.
        Grammar                                                      The police offi cer                           if he
                                                                     was driving.
        3  Rewrite the following quotes in reported speech.
                                                                      Tom and Alexis said, ‘We’re getting married in May.’
             ‘You mustn’t tell anyone what you’ve seen.’ (Roland to     "//06/$&%
             Joanna)                                                 Tom and Alexis                             in
             ‘It was a surprise seeing Tom last week. I hadn’t seen   May.
             him since we were at school together.’ (Clare)
             ‘Shall I do the shopping this afternoon?’ (Ben to Jerry)
             ‘You must stop smoking if you want to get rid of your
             cough.’ (doctor to me)
             ‘How many languages can you speak?’ (Bogdan to me)

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