Page 103 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 103                                                                                         Unit 9
             They’ve met in many occasions but they’ve never    3  For questions 1–12, write action, event, programme or
            become friends.                                       activity in each gap. Most of the sentences are from
             Unfortunately, we are overloaded with printing jobs   the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
            in busy times of the day, so you cannot count on your      After weeks of frenetic             , the job was
            order being dealt with immediately.                      finally finished.
             We have some suggestions about what to do if the        I looked in the                to find out the
            weather is bad in the day of the boat trip.              actor’s name.
             You’ll have to sit an exam in the end of this course.     It only needs a small wrist            to start

             QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Prepositions in time       the process.
           expressions                                               Our special guest on the                tonight is
                                                                     Daniel Day Lewis.
                                                                     She wrote a strong letter to the paper complaining
        Vocabulary                                                   about the council’s                in closing the

        action  activity  event BOE programme                        town centre to traffic during the festival.
                                                                     Susannah’s party was the social               of
        1  The words action, activity, event and programme           the year.
          each have two or three meanings. Match the four
          words with their definitions (a–i) from the Cambridge
          Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

          1 action  2 activity  3 event  4 programme

          B  a broadcast on television or radio
          C  a particular thing that happens, especially something
            important or unusual
          D  something intentionally done to deal with a problem or
          E  a situation in which a lot of things are happening or      Tennis is a very relaxing spare-time          .
            people are moving around                                 The school offers an exciting and varied
          F  a physical movement                                                       of social events.
          G  a plan of activities to be done or things to be achieved     The women’s 200-metre              will be
          H  a thin book or piece of paper giving information about   followed by the men’s 100 metres.
            a play or musical or sports event, usually bought at the       There was a sudden flurry of           when
            theatre or place where the event happens                 the director walked in.
          I  one of a set of races or competitions                   This problem calls for swift              from the
          J  something that is done for enjoyment, especially        government.
            something organised such as a sport or hobby             We had expected to arrive an hour late, but in the
                                                                                       we were early.
        2  Complete these sentences from Listening Part 1 with
          action, event, programme or activity in the correct
          form. Then decide which definition (a–i) in Exercise 1
          corresponds with the word in each sentence.
             They began to believe they were no longer totally at
            the mercy of natural                 .
             They could take                 to harness these
             Will people lose interest in Olympic
            when athletes no longer break records?
             There are treaties which prohibit nuclear explosions
            from being used in space                  .         4  Look back at Exercise 3 and note any collocations
             What                   would they engage in during   you can find with action, event, programme or activity,
            all this time?                                        for example, frenetic activity.

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