Page 104 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 104
        At top speed

        Reading and Use of English | 1BSU                       2  Six paragraphs have been removed from the article
                                                                  below. Read the article (but not the paragraphs
        1  Work in pairs. You are going to read an article about   which have been removed).
          a very fast car. Before you read:                       t  Note down in a few words what each paragraph in the
             How important are cars in your life?                    article is about.
             What things do/would you consider when choosing      t  Underline any words and phrases that link the text
            a car?                                                   together, which will help you to place the missing
                                                                     paragraphs when you read them.

                                                                His engineers were horrified. But they set to work
          Bugatti Veyron                                        anyway, mating two Audi V8s to create an 8-litre W16
                                                                engine with four turbochargers. Needless to say, the end
                                                                result produced about as much power as the Earth’s core,
          by Jeremy Clarkson                                    which is fine. Then things got tricky because the power
                                                                had to be harnessed.
          Utterly, stunningly, jaw-droppingly brilliant

          When you push a car past 300 km/h, the world
                                                                When this had been done, the Veyron was shipped
          actually becomes blurred, like an early Queen pop
                                                                to Sauber’s F1 wind tunnel where it quickly became
          video. The speed causes a terrifying vibration that
          rattles your optic nerves, causing double vision.     apparent that while the magic 1000 bhp* figure had been
          This is not good when you’re covering 90 metres       achieved, they were miles off the target top speed of
          a second. Happily, stopping distances become          400 km/h. The body of the car just wasn’t aerodynamic
                                                                enough. The bods at Sauber threw up their hands, saying
          irrelevant because you won’t see the obstacle in the
          first place. By the time you know it was there, you’ll   they only had experience of aerodynamics up to maybe
          have gone through the windscreen.                     360 km/h, which is the effective top speed in Formula
                                                                One. Beyond this point Bugatti was on its own.

          But once you go past 320 km/h, the biggest problem
          is the air. At 160 km/h it’s relaxed. At 240 km/h it’s   After some public failures, fires and accidents, they hit
          a breeze. But at 320 km/h it has sufficient power to   on the idea of a car that automatically changes shape
          lift a jumbo jet off the ground. So getting a car to   depending on what speed you’re going. And that means
                                                                you can top 400 km/h. That’s 113m a second.
          behave itself in conditions like these is tough.

                                                                I didn’t care. On a recent drive across Europe I
          You might point out at this juncture that the
                                                                desperately wanted to reach the top speed but I ran
          McLaren Formula One car can top 390 km/h, but
          at that speed it is pretty much out of control. And   out of road when the needle hit 386 km/h. Where,
          anyway the Bugatti is way, way faster than anything   astonishingly, it felt totally and utterly rock steady. It felt
          else the roads have seen, but when you look at the    sublime. From behind the wheel of a Veyron, France is
                                                                the size of a small coconut. I cannot tell you how good
          history of its development you’ll discover it’s rather
                                                                this car is. I just don’t have the vocabulary.
          more than just a car.
                                                                From The Times

                                                                *Brake horsepower – a measure of the power of a vehicle’s engine

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