Page 101 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 101                                                                                         Unit 9

                                                                8     09 Now listen to Extract Three. For questions 5
                                                                  and 6 choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best.
                                                                  &YUSBDU 5ISFF
                                                                  You hear two scientists discussing travel to other planets
                                                                  near other stars.
                                                                     What does the woman say is the main obstacle to using
                                                                     nuclear propulsion for spaceships?
                                                                   "  the danger to Earth
                                                                   # international agreements
                                                                   $  the technology involved
                                                                     What does the man think would be the main difficulty
                                                                     of using a conventional spaceship?
                                                                   "  persuading people to travel in it
        4  In Extract Two you will hear two people discussing      #  preventing conflict among the crew
          the limits to human ability in Olympic sports.           $  giving purpose to the crew’s lives
          Before you listen: do you think athletes will
          continue to break records or is there a limit to their   Exam advice
                                                                 t   Listen to the whole piece before you choose: the
        5     08 Now listen to Extract Two. For questions 3 and     answer may depend on the general idea rather than a
          4 choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best.          few words.
                                                                 t   If you are not sure about the answer after listening the
          &YUSBDU 5XP
                                                                    first time, try to decide which answers you think are
          You hear two people discussing the future of Olympic      wrong before you listen the second time.
             The man says that in future new Olympic records will
           "  improve only slightly on previous records.        9  In each of these extracts from the recordings, use
           #  become increasingly frequent as athletes improve.   a verb from the box in the correct form to form a
           $  attract less attention from the news media.         collocation with the noun in bold.
             The two speakers agree about
           "  the effect of professionalism on sporting           break embark engage in have (x3) lose
               achievement.                                       make undergo
           #  the need for more specialised sports equipment.
           $  the prospects for genetic engineering in sports.       People’s entire world view             a profound
        6  Work in small groups. Do you think people should          Over the next hundred years railways             a
          devote so much effort to breaking world records?           radical JNQBDU on the countryside.
          Why (not)?                                                 This               a subtle but distinct FGGFDU on the
                                                                     way people regarded their place in the world.
        7  In Extract Three you will hear two scientists talking
          about travelling in spaceships to other stars. Before      I doubt if any other invention           such a
          you listen,                                                profound JOnVFODF on the human psyche.
                                                                     Do you think people will             JOUFSFTU
          t  would you like to go on a journey like this?            in Olympic events when athletes no longer
          t  what problems do you think this sort of journey would                  records?
            pose for the spaceship’s crew?                           I can’t imagine anyone              such a
                                                                     EJGGFSFODF nowadays.
                                                                     Even if there were a couple of hundred people
                                                                     prepared to               on a KPVSOFZ like this, they
                                                                     and their descendants would have to live together on
                                                                     the ship all their lives.
                                                                     What BDUJWJUJFT would they             during all
                                                                     this time?

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