Page 95 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 95                                                                                         Unit 8

                                                                6  Now do the exam task. For questions 1–4, choose
                                                                   from the extracts A–D. The extracts may be chosen
                                                                   more than once.

                                                                   Which writer
                                                                   shares writer C’s view of the social value of   1
                                                                   reality TV?

                                                                   expresses a different view from the others
                                                                   about the popularity of reality TV?
                                                                   takes a similar view to B about the way
                                                                   participants are controlled in reality TV

                                                                   expresses a different opinion from the
        Far from discouraging hard work and education, reality
                                                                   others about the authenticity of reality TV
      TV programmes help to create a society in which we have
      shared experiences and a strong sense of community.
      Despite the fact that they do not refl ect reality, they provide
      an important social glue. In the past, there were only a
      few television channels, and everybody watched the same    Exam advice
      programmes. This sense of a shared experience helped to    t   Read the four texts and make sure you understand
      bind people together, giving them common things to talk       what they are about. Pay particular attention to
      about at work the next day: so-called ‘water cooler moments’.   any opinions and attitudes expressed. Identify
      Reality programmes play that role in contemporary society     any similarities or differences of opinion which are
      with viewership being almost a cultural imperative, an        immediately obvious.
      experience shared simultaneously with friends and family.   t   Read the questions one at a time and identify the
      The criticism that reality TV shows may corrupt viewers is not   aspect of the topic being focused on.
      sustainable. Just as it is possible to empathise with real-life   t   To answer the questions, you will need to keep this
      criminals without going on to commit crimes ourselves, there   topic in mind and then scan the texts as often as
      is no reason why viewers should be persuaded to emulate the   necessary, looking for the similarities or differences of
      morality of reality TV programmes.                            opinion. You will always have to compare all the texts
                                                                    with each other to fi nd the correct answer.
                                                                7  Work in pairs and discuss these questions.
          The audience appeal of reality shows is understandable and
      probably does nobody any serious harm, but we should not       Do you agree that some reality TV shows are popular
      suppose that we are being shown real life. Contestants who     because contestants are humiliated?
      have undergone a meticulous selection process are placed in      Do you believe that reality TV shows can have an
      a ‘reality’ they would not normally experience. This situation   educational value?
      is then stage-managed by executives who make money             Do you think that viewers of TV reality shows are likely
      by attracting impressionable audiences. In Survivor, for       to emulate contestants?
      example, one of the longest-running reality shows, a group      Is it right that reality shows encourage confl ict between
      of people who did not know each other were put together        contestants?
      on an island and then made to take part in contests. After
      these, some contestants were voted out. This was clearly
      done primarily in order to create tensions within the group,
      thereby adding drama and excitement to the programme.
      By encouraging confl ict, programme makers are provoking
      behaviour very different from what would happen in real-life
      survival situations, where confl ict would be avoided wherever

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