Page 74 - Southern Oregon Magazine Summer 2021
P. 74

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                                     THE HORMONE FREE-FALL

                                           FROM TOXIC STRESS

                                                       by nisha jackson , phd np hhp

              tress and  our  stress-hormone-producing glands, the adrenal   is the adrenal glands (not the sex hormones). You cannot live without
              glands, play a huge role in hormone balance for men and women.   cortisol, but you can survive with low levels of sex hormones. You will
              After all, the adrenal glands are responsible for producing estro-  just have a list of unwanted symptoms.  The goal for treating this is
       Sgen, progesterone, and testosterone, which are the three main   to balance your hormones and find simple ways to lower and manage
        sex hormones men and women produce (but in opposite ratios).  stress. This will give your stress glands more support and stop them
                                                                   from stealing vital resources.
        Chronic or sustained high levels of stress is often the only hormone
        imbalance we feel. Once your body gets into a “stress cycle,” it will   Here are some tips if you are under a great deal of stress so you can
        begin using the progesterone and testosterone in your system and trans-  begin the process of balancing:
        forming them into cortisol, the stress hormone. When this happens,
        your stress-system is literally stealing from your sex hormone system.     »  Men and women, consider having your health care provider test your hor-
        This throws off the balance and creates even more symptoms, making   mones.  Estrogen, Testosterone and Progesterone. Also consider DHEA
        you even more stressed. This is creating a silent epidemic of hormone   and Cortisol the adrenal stress hormones and the thyroid hormones, TSH,
        imbalance for younger men and women today.                     Free T3 and Free T4.

        Worsening stress is just the beginning. Sustained levels of stress create     »  Immediately change your diet to eating lower sugar/starch carbs (go grain
        hormone imbalances which, in turn, trigger fat storage, weight gain,   free) and incorporating good fats into your daily diet.
        and  many other unwanted symptoms  like exhaustion, sleeplessness,
        hair loss, low libido, PMS, acne, breast cysts, irritable bowel syndrome,     »  Include more coconut oil, oily fish, nuts, seeds, and chia in your diet.
        migraines, erratic blood glucose levels, brain fog with loss of memory,
        concentration, and focus. Your hormones dictate virtually every part of     »  Start eating leafy greens and lots of them, with 1-2 fruits per day (low
        your life—from your state of mind to your behavior, body shape, eating   sugar like apples).
        habits, sleep, and your reaction to stress. When you are under increased,
        ongoing high stress, your adrenals need support to keep the most vital     »  Eat only lean proteins (organic is best).
        functions going. They will gladly steal from your female hormones to
        get it.                                                       »  Go to bed earlier in order to get up early and still get a minimum of 7
                                                                       hours of sleep. If you are not sleeping, start a sleep supplement or the
        Your body is fully aware of the fact that the fight-or-flight hormones are   Adrena support supplement to support optimal cortisol rhythm.
        needed to help you manage your daily dose of stress, and its priority
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