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buzz | tidbits
                                             WHAT’S NEW
                                                            S N
                          SWEETS &              COWHORN VINEYARD                   estate grown Biodynamic wines and sell fruit to some of the top
                    BREADS COME                  ACQUIRES JOHAN VINEYARDS          Willamette Valley wineries.
                          TO TOWN          n October, Cowhorn  Vineyard Ownership Group   The acquisition brings together three up-and-coming female
                       CAKEBAR + BAKERY   IWillamette Valley, a group of investors led by Katherine   Oregon winemakers—Johan’s winemaker Morgan Beck, with
                                                                                   extensive winemaking experience from California, Chile,
                                         “Mini” Banks, acquired Johan Vineyards (founded in 2005 by
       akeBar + Bakery is an artisan pastry experience.   Norway native Dag Sundby), a certified organic and biody-  and Oregon; Cowhorn’s newly appointed winemaker Sarah
    CIn October, Cassie Leland opened the Medford   namic vineyard and winery located in the Van Duzer Corridor   Thompson, with a background in Biodynamic farming and
    location after  moving the  bakery from Silverton   AVA in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. “Mini shares our vision,   winemaking, having recently worked at Troon, another regional
    (outside Salem). The bakery features an assortment   and we are confident she will carry on the Johan legacy with   Biodynamic winery; and owner/winegrower Mini Banks, a
    from cinnamon rolls, cakes, and cookies to fine pas-  a passionate commitment and holistic approach to farming and   Santa Barbara native whose family have been investors in some
    tries. They also provide gluten free options of scones,   winemaking, the foundation on which this vineyard and winery   of California’s landmark wineries. “Morgan and Sarah are both
    cakes, and other items. Leland has worked in the food   were built,” says Sundby. The acquisition complements Mini, diligent, and each fully committed to their
    business since she was fourteen and has been a pastry   Banks’s acquisition of Cowhorn Vineyard and Garden earlier   craft. It will be fun to see these two talented women working
    chef since 2019 when she helped open a bakery in Mt.   this year, bringing under single ownership two of the country’s   collaboratively to further enhance the winemaking at each site,”
    Angel (near Silverton). Shortly after, she opened her   most notable Biodynamic Vineyards. Cowhorn is a 117-acre   said Mini Banks. She will directly oversee both Cowhorn and
    own storefront in Silverton. “I absolutely love baking   certified Biodynamic Southern Oregon vineyard and winery,   Johan and plans to change little at Johan.
    for people and love giving them an opportunity to try   producing Rhone Style wines made with 100% estate grown
    new things and develop a sense for flavors they might   fruit, and also has land dedicated to lavender, asparagus, and   Cowhorn announces a new food pairing menu featuring wood
    not otherwise have known. Our motto is to treat   hazelnut trees that are inoculated with the Périgord black truf-  fired pizzas with locally sourced ingredients prepared by Chef
    every person who walks through our door as the most   fle. Johan is an expansive 175-acre site operated as a holistic   Timothy Payne. They are now open Sundays and have added
    important person in the world at that time, because   farm, with 88 acres of certified organic and biodynamic vine-  outdoor  fire  pits. Wine club members  can  enjoy exclusive
    to me, they are.”                    yards, organic gardens, a growing animal husbandry program   themed dining experiences throughout the winter.
                                         (chickens, ducks, sheep), a pond, reserved native woodlands,
    915 W McAndrews Rd, Medford          and a winery and tasting room. They produce premium 100%

      Winter Wonderland
      Winter Wonderland

               DESTINA                   TION

         Whether you’re a fan of snuggling up with a
            warm cup of boozy hot chocolate and
         a good book, relaxing at the spa, enjoying
              gourmet meal, or adventuring in the
                mountains, we got you covered.

            Plan your one-of-a-kind winter getaway
                        experience with us!

                       Ashland, Oregon

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