Page 39 - SOM_FALL_2020_FLIPBOOK
P. 39

 YEA R  O F TH E  Every single day, courageous men and         How have things changed at the hospital
                                          eous men and
                 ery single da
                                                               since Covid-19?
              women across Southern Oregon step
              women across Southern Oregon step
                                                               In my eyes, everybody has it until they’re proven
              out their front door, leave behind their
              out their front door, leave behind their
                                                               they don’t. So we don’t cut any corners. You’ll
 NU  .        loved ones. Being a nurse has always             goggles, the whole nine yards, a hundred
              families and go to work to save your
              families and go to work to save your
                                                               see everybody wearing a mask, cap, face shield,
              loved ones. Being a nurse has always
                                                               percent of the time, and then we go to work.
              been an essential job, but in the fi
              been an essential job, but in the fight

                                                               Imagine your glasses fogging up when you
                                                               need to start an IV on a three-year-old kid who
              against Covid-19, their importance
              against Covid-19, their importance
                                                               is screaming frantically. Your heart rate goes up.
              in our communities is underscored
              in our communities is underscored
                                                               You’re already sweating. The medicine we do is
              even more.
              even more.
                                                               challenging now.
              Regence BlueCross BlueShield of
              Regence BlueCross BlueShield of
                                                               the guidelines?
              Oregon and Asante want to recognize
              Oregon and Asante want to recognize
              the compassion and sacrifi
              the compassion and sacrifice of the               How do you feel when people don’t follow
                                              ce of the

                                                               I see people put the mask on so they can go into
              health care heroes in the Rogue Valley           an establishment, and as soon as they get in, they
              health care heroes in the Rogue Valley

 Spotlight    and beyond. It’s scary to consider how           take the mask o . That’s a little disheartening,
              and beyond. It’s scary to consider how
                                                               because it’s real. On the one hand, yeah, that

               many more lives would be lost to
 John Rodriguez,    many more lives would be lost to           makes me mad. I think that’s selfish. Out of the
                                                               other side of my mouth, I’m going to say, help
 Emergency Department Nurse,   the virus without your comforting   each other out. Allow grace right now. Things
 Emergency Department Nurse,

 Asante Rogue Regional  presence and bedside savvy. You        are di erent. Everybody is more stressed. You
 Medical Center    may not always get the credit you           hear people sneeze, and you think someone’s

                                                               fired a weapon. We can’t live in fear our entire
                     deserve, but that changes now.            lives, because that’s just not living. I promise
                                                               you I will have a mask on. It’s not only to keep
                                                               myself safe, it’s to keep you safe.
              What made you want to pursue nursing?
              What made y  ou w ant t o pursue nursing?        What has been the toughest part of life during
                                                               the pandemic?
              At the time I was a climbing and mountain
              At the time I was a climbing and mountain

              guide, and I needed to do something di
              guide, and I needed to do something di erent     My place at home, trying to keep my kids positive
              for my family. It sounds a little cheesy, but it’s the
              for my family. It sounds a little cheesy, but it’s the   and out of depression, that’s been the challenge,
              God’s honest truth; I wanted to do something that   and I don’t think that is unique to me. There were
              God’s honest truth; I wanted to do something that
              felt like I could contribute. I don’t grow enough
              felt like I could contribute. I don’t grow enough   probably six weeks where I didn’t come into my
              food to produce it on a mass scale. I’m not an
              food to produce it on a mass scale. I’m not an   kitchen or living room. Where I didn’t share the
              educator like our teachers. So what could I do,
              educator like our teachers. So what could I do,   same bed as my wife, where I couldn’t hug my
              right here everyday that didn’t just take from
              right here everyday that didn’t just take from   children. My family is my life. They can’t go to
              our community? As a wilderness medic, I already
              our community? As a wilderness medic, I already   the movies. They can’t go to a friend’s house.
              had my toe in health care, and I had some
              had my toe in health care, and I had some        They can’t go to their own damn graduation.
              encouragement from my ski patrol friends. My
              encouragement from my ski patrol friends. My     They can’t do all those things. That’s how it’s

              joke is, you’re out in the woods for three days,
              joke is, you’re out in the woods for three days,   a ected me.
              so you can only treat a three-day injury. I kind
              so you can only treat a three-day injury. I kind
              of wanted to go beyond that.
              of wanted to go beyond that.                     Writing and photography by Ben McBee.
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