Page 86 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2018
P. 86
FEATURE | wine part II
Del Rio Vineyards
2 decades, 467 acres, 3 labels and no signs of slowing down
Lindsey Zagar
n 1998, the year of Google and Britney Spears, one particular It was then that Del Rio Vineyards was established, or at least planted.
Rogue Valley hillside started to change. The hills that graced the It would take years to become truly established. Those plant starts con-
Iview across the Rock Point Bridge, once filled with a worn down sisted of thirteen different grape varietals and originally covered 150
pear orchard, were abuzz with activity as teams of workers tamed the acres of land. Now, 20 years later, Del Rio Vineyards consists of two
land for something new. Skepticism filled the Gold Hill community, vineyard sites and a total of 467 acres, 305 acres planted on the original
that is, until the plants arrived. They looked like simple little sticks, site and an additional 162 acres at the Birdseye Ranch, located just
fragile and young, quite a disguise as they were filled with such sweet down the road and across the river.
84 | fall 2018