Page 16 - SOM FALL 2017 BOOK
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VOLUME 9 • ISSUE 3 • FALL 2017
                                                                                                    FALL  2017

                                                                                        SPELLBINDING WINERIES
                                                                                            WHERE SPIRITS MAY LINGER

                                                                                         FALL 2017
                                                                                           COLOSSAL HEIGHTS  INSTANT CHARACTER
                                                                                                BUILDING WITH RECLAIMED LUMBER
                                                                                           THE REDWOODS ARE CALLING
        SOUTHERN OREGON’S FIRST AND ONLY                                               Cover_SOM_FALL17.indd   1  9/28/2017   10:52:12 PM
        MODERN MEXICAN AND TEQUILA VENUE                                    Owned and Operated by Rogue 5 Media Incorporated
        Call 541-708-0883 for Delivery to Ashland                             co-owner  Ryan Chackel
                                                                              co-owner  Heidi Chackel
        Featuring artisan cocktails and authentic Mexican cuisine                                          EDITORIAL & AR T

        with a twist.  Half price on starters and tacos 4pm-5:30pm.           publisher  Ryan Chackel
                                                                                 editor  Heidi Chackel
                                                                            art & design  Becky Aulisio
             165 E. Main St., Ashland  |
                                                                             copy editor  Lynn Leissler
           Across from the Varsity Theatre in Downtown Ashland                   intern  Elizabeth Blodgett
                                                                                                     WRITING & PHOTOGRAPHY
                                                                       contributing writers  Donald Alarie, Sandy Cathcart, Valerie Coulman,
                                                                                       Chris Cook, Chris Dennett, Nisha Jackson,
                                                                                       Lee Juillerat, Lynn Leissler, Krissy Milner,
                                                                                       Darryl Rasmussen

                                                                            contributing  Becky Aulisio, Elizabeth Blodgett, Jordan Boyd,
                                                                          photographers  Crystelle Marie Photography, Gypsy Jane
                                                                                       Photography, Andrew Huycke, Jim Craven
                                                                                       Photography, Liz Wan
       “ONE OF AMERICA’S TOP                                                                                       SALES
         50 BEST RETAIL WINE                                               sales manager  Leslee Ryerson
               SHOPS”                                                   account executive  Wesley Martin
              GQ Magazine
                                                                                                               CONTACT US
         “BEST OF AWARD OF                                                      phone  541-410-0361
            EXCELLENCE”                                                   mailing address  1574 Coburg Rd #206
             Wine Spectator,                                                           Eugene, OR 97401
         (one of just 600 worldwide)
        “MOST ROMANTIC INN                                                       e-mail
             IN OREGON”
       Gerry Frank, Portland Oregonian                              Southern Oregon Magazine Copyright 2017 by Rogue 5 Media
                                                                    Incorporated. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be
             2013    2014                                           reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
                                                                    or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information
                                     When you want to               storage and retrieval system, without the express written consent
          175 East California St.   wine & dine, experience         of Rogue 5 Media Incorporated. The views and opinions expressed
        Jacksonville, Oregon 97530    the excellence of             within Southern Oregon Magazine are the authors’ and do not neces-
      (541) 899-19001  |  (800) 321-9344                            sarily represent the views or opinions of Rogue 5 Media Incorporated,
            The Jacksovnille Inn            it’s employees, staff or management.

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