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STAFF EVENTS                                                                    Our Year in Review

                                                                EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION

                                                                28 May 2019
                                                                UNITEN appreciates its staff who are committed to
                                                                delivering their best services for the betterment of the
                                                                University. In an occasion to celebrate the on call staff
                                                                who were on duty during Eid, Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Kamal
                                                                Nasharuddin Mustapha handed over hampers to them
                                                                as a sign of appreciation.

                                                                LAUNCHING OF CONFIRM A @ UNITEN

                                                                18 June 2019

                                                                The launching of Confirm A @ UNITEN for B40 pupils
                                                                was held at Sekolah Kebangsaan Jalan Empat, Bandar
                                                                Baru Bangi. The national level event was officiated
                                                                by Dato’ Mohd Jamil Mohamed, Director of School
                                                                Management Division, on behalf of YB. Dr. Maszlee
                                                                Malik, the Education Minister.

                                                                UNITEN EID CELEbRATION 2019

                                                                19 & 25 June 2019

                                                                UNITEN Eid Celebration brought UNITEN community
                                                                together during the event on 19 June 2019 and 25
                                                                June 2019 at UNITEN KSHAS and UNITEN Putrajaya
                                                                Campus respectively. The event was graced by the local
                                                                authorities among others. UNITEN Vice-Chancellor, Prof.
                                                                Dato’ Ir. Dr. Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha attended the
                                                                events at both campuses to show support and engage
                                                                with the staff.

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