Page 10 - The World About Us
P. 10


       What shapes the distribution of tropical rainforests?

         Tropical rainforest is associated
       with the climate found in the
       Equatorial regions (see fig.229, p87)
       which are found in a rela vely narrow
       belt north and south of the Equator.
                                           Tropic of
          The climate here is dominated by   Cancer    Central
       the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone             America
       (ITCZ) and low pressure. The ITCZ is               Manaus                                      South East
       where the air, returning from the Sub-  Equator                                 Medan
       Tropical High Pressure (STHP) as the                        Congo
       Trade Winds, meets and is forced                    Amazonia  Basin                  Australasia
       upwards. This upli  is assisted by the   Tropic of
       intense hea ng of the ground by the   Capricorn                           Madagascar
       overhead Sun. The warm ground heats
       the air above it which then expands
       and rises. This rising air then begins to                 Tropical and monsoon rainforest
                                             fig.20 The distribution of tropical rainforests (other major biomes are in outline).
         The heat from the overhead Sun
       increases evapora on from the         The high levels of sunlight and
       surfaces of the land and plants. This   abundance of water are perfect
       evaporated water is added to by water   condi ons for the growth of trees.
       vapour transpired by plants as a bi-  These trees release vast quan  es of
       product of photosynthesis.         water from their leaves when they
         As the moisture-saturated air rises,   photosynthesize. This water returns as
       it cools and the water vapour begins to   rain, much of it to be recycled once
       condense. The rapid upli  from the   again by the trees.
       warm ground, coupled with latent heat   Trees are important in the  water
       released as the water condenses, helps   and nutrient cycles within the forest
       to create towering cumulonimbus    ecosystem. Once these trees are cut
       thunderclouds. In turn, these clouds   down, the soils can quickly become
       deliver torren al downpours.       impoverished and the climate of the
          A ernoon rainfall will cool the   region may change, with rainfall totals
       ground surface, reducing the       significantly reduced.
       atmospheric upli  un l the next day                                     fig.21 Costa Rica cloudforest.
       when the Sun once again rises high in
                                            fig.23  The weather of a typical Equatorial day.
       the sky and heats the Earth's surface.
                                                     4. Rising air cools and water      5. Intense upli  develops
         fig.22 The climate of Manaus.               condenses to form clouds           towering cumulonimbus
                                                                                        thunder clouds.
                                       2. As the Sun rises in
      350                        35
                                       the sky it heats the
                                       ground and trees.                   6. Intense rainfall     7. Clouds break
      Mean monthly rainfall (mm)  200  20  Mean monthly temperature (  3. Warm surfaces heat  descends on forest,
                                                                                                         up as it rains.
                                                   the air which expands
                                                                           cooling surfaces and
                                                   and begins to rise, taking
                                                                           reducing further upli .
                                                   water vapour with it.
       50                        10  o
                                 5 C)
        0                        0
         J  F M A M J  J A S O N D    1. Sun rises in the morning  8. Sun sets in clear sky, humid air traps heat overnight.

       There are major tropical rainforests in the world.
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