Page 11 - The World About Us
P. 11


           What is the variety of life in the tropical rainforests?

              Rainforests have the highest levels
           of biodiversity on Earth. One square
           kilometre of forest may contain over
           1,000 different species of trees. These
           trees will be draped with thousands of
           species of mosses, epiphytes, orchids
           and other flowing plants. These plants
           provide food for insects and animals in
           a vast and complex food web, up
           through the trophic levels of the biome.
              Rainforest may cover just 6% of the
           Earth’s surface but contain an
           es mated 50% to 75% of all the
           world’s species. Some es mates
           suggest that rainforests may contain 50
           million species of plants and animals.
              The trees grow tall in the rainforest
           as they compete to access the energy
           from the overhead Sun. The canopy of
                                                fig.24 Rainforests have the highest biodiversity of any biome on the planet.
           the forest, around 45m above the
           ground, is a dense tangle of branches   being eaten by numerous herbivores.   means they must learn the different
           covered in evergreen leaves.                                            loca ons for each tree, of each frui ng
                                                 Trees have spines and thorns or
              Over millions of years some trees,   produce poisons to make the leaves   species, in their territory.
           such as the South American Olla de   unpalatable. In turn, animals have
           mono, have evolved to become        evolved to display coping mechanisms,
           emergents. These trees tower as high   such as evolving a long gut to break
           as 60m above the forest floor and    down food slowly or descending to the
           provide homes for eagles and other   forest floor to eat mud which is able to
           birds of prey.                      neutralise the poisons in the leaves.

              The canopy is host to many species   Trees have to synchronise flowering
           of insects, amphibians, rep les, birds,   so that there is sufficient pollen of the
           and mammals. They all rely on the trees   same species to pollinate their own
           for food or prey upon other primary   flowers. This means different species of
           consumers of the canopy. In the canopy   tree flower and then fruit at different         fig.26 Orang utans and other
           an 'arms race' has developed as trees    mes of the year. For fruit ea ng birds,   rainforest mammals and birds will
           have tried to protect their leaves from   or animals such as orangutans, this   travel large distances in search of fruits.

             Fig.25 The climate of Medan.                                            KEY TERMS
            400                        40

            350                        35                                            Canopy: the layer of dense vegetation
                                                                                     at the top of most rainforest trees.
           Mean monthly rainfall (mm)  250  25  Mean monthly temperature (        fig.27 Reptiles, such as the  immediately north and south of the
                                                                                     Equatorial: relating to the region
                                                                                     Rainforest: an area of dense
                                                                                     woodland which receives rainfall in
                                                                                     Tropical: relating to the land and sea
                                               the rainforest. The warm temperatures
            50                         10  o   Wagler’s Pit Viper (above), hunt in   excess of 1500mm per year.
                                               mean these cold-blooded reptiles can   between the Tropic of Cancer (23 ⁄  N)
                                       5 C)
             0                         0       be active both day and night.         and Tropic of Capricorn (23 ⁄  S).
               J  F M A M J  J A S O N D

                                                                   Ecosystems have distinct distributions and characteristics.
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