Page 16 - The World About Us
P. 16


       What is the distribution of the tropical grasslands?

                                                                                       fig.40 The  lt of the earth and
                                                                                              the movement of the ITCZ.
                                                                                                                   (not drawn to scale)
                                                                                                   Approximate posi on of
                                                                                                   ITCZ and low pressure
                                                                                                   associated with
                                                                          Tropic of  23.5 N        convec onal rainfall.

                                                                           Equator   23.5 S
                                                                                                22nd September Equinox
                                                                                               The Sun is overhead at the
                                                                                             Equator bringing low pressure
        Tropic of                                                                         and rain to the Equatorial regions.
                                                                                                  Rains move southwards
                                                                                                  bringing the dry season
                               Tropical grasslands  Temperate grasslands
                                                                                                  to the northern grasslands
         fig.39 The global distribu on of tropical and temperate grasslands.

          Tropical grasslands (savannah) are found   As the overhead Sun moves into the
       in belts between the Equatorial rainforests   Southern Hemisphere the ITCZ moves with it,    Rainy season
       and hot deserts. They are best described as a   bringing welcome rain to the southern        arrives in southern
                                                                                                    la tudes.
       transi onal biome. This is because the   grasslands. These may have experienced up        22nd December Sols ce
       grasslands experience the clima c condi ons   to ten months of drought. The length of the   The Sun is overhead at the
       of both the rainforest and the hot desert at   rainy, wet season is determined by the   Tropic of Capricorn drawing
       different  mes of the year.            distance from the Equator. At the desert     low pressure and rain southwards.
                                             margins rainfall may be as low as 500mm,
          This changing climate is a product of the
                                             whilst near the rainforest margins rainfall
       annual changes in the  lt of the Earth.
       Fig.40 shows how the changes in the posi on   may be as high as 1500mm. Here the wet       ITCZ moved northwards
       of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)   season may be as long as eight months.     bringing intense rain back
                                                                                                  to Equatorial region.
       and Sub-Tropical High Pressure (STHP) zones   Temperatures remain high all year, as the
       results in the crea on of a climate zone with   Tropics receive large amounts of solar
       both a wet and a dry season.          insola on. However, the dense
          At the March Equinox (22  March) the   thunderclouds of the ITCZ suppress
       Sun appears to be overhead the Equator.   temperatures by a few degrees during the
       This brings intense low pressure at the   wet season. During the dry season, with no        22nd March Equinox
       Equator and heavy and intense convec onal   clouds in the atmosphere to reflect or absorb    Sun moves back over
       rainfall.                             solar energy, the daily temperature may          the Equator drawing the ITCZ
                                             soar to as high as 35 C.
          As the Earth orbits the Sun the North                                          and rain back to Equatorial regions.
       Pole  lts towards it. The ITCZ begins to move   The distribu on of tropical grasslands are
       northwards, drawing with it low pressure and   also shaped by the relief of the con nents.
       a rainy season. In the Southern Hemisphere,   The tablelands of East Africa to the east of   Rains return to the northern
                                                                                                 savannah grasslands and
       the STHP is drawn northwards bringing with   Lake Victoria are around 1,000 metres above   bring the promise of new
       it the start of  the hot, dry season.   sea level. This higher land helps create the      grass growth & fresh grazing.
                                             tropical savannah climate, enabling the
          By the June sols ce the Sun is overhead
                                             grasslands to spread across the Equator.
       the Tropic of Cancer. The Sun now appears
       to move back towards the Equator. The rainy   Perhaps the most famous ‘ecoregion’ of
       season comes to an end, first at the desert   the savannah is the Serenge  Na onal Park
       margins. The dry season now spreads   in north-west Tanzania. This park is home to            22nd June Sols ce
       southwards across the grasslands, as the   the largest concentra on of large grazing      Overhead Sun appears to
       northern STHP moves towards the Equator.  animals le  on planet Earth.                     move over the Tropic of
                                                                                           Cancer drawing rains northwards.


       Ecosystems have distinct distributions and characteristics.
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