Page 20 - The World About Us
P. 20

The Steppes

      What is the fauna and flora of temperate grasslands?

         The vegeta on of the temperate
       grasslands is dominated, as the name
       suggests, by grasses. The low annual
       rainfall means that trees struggle to
       grow. However, where river valleys
       snake through the grasslands, trees
       such as willows and oak grow where
       water is more available.
         Grasses can grow in tussocks or
       clumps with some species reaching
       heights above two metres. Other
       grasses grow in dense 'swards' inter-
       spaced with wild flowers.
         The absence of many trees, except
       where they follow rivers, means that
       grasses have the upper hand in
       compe  on between different plants.

         As with the savannah, grasslands
       encourage grazing animals. The
       dominance of grasses means that large   fig.51 North American bison, perfectly adapted to life in the grasslands.
       grazing herbivores are o en common.
       These will o en migrate over large
                                          distances in search of fresh grass.   The Caspian  ger and Asia c cheetah
                                          Bison, growing on the prairies of North   are now almost certainly ex nct.
                                          America, were thought to number in    In North America, the grey wolf has
                                          excess of 40 million before the arrival   fared be er, but its former range has
                                          of humans to the con nent. These    been reduced. The prairie, and its
                                          were reduced to the verge of ex nc on   grazing animals, have been replaced
                                          by hun ng during the 19  Century.
                                                                              with cereal crops and tractors.
                                             Un l recently, across the Steppes
                                                                                There were once vast herds of
                                          of central Asia, horses and antelope
                                                                              Siberian and Mongolian antelopes on
                                          migrated in vast herds. In many cases   the Steppes of central Asia. The large
                                          these species too have been driven   grazers would have been predated on
         fig.52 American prairie gopher.   close to ex nc on.
                                                                              by packs of wolves.
                                             In recent years Przewalski's horses   Today these animals have suffered
                                          have been reintroduced to reserves in
                    1. What is meant by   China and Mongolia, a er the wild   catastrophic declines as the grasslands
         the term temperate? (1)                                              have been ploughed up for agriculture.
                                          stock was hunted to ex nc on.
        2. Describe how temperate climate                                     Smaller burrowing rodents have coped
                                             If hun ng and habitat loss has   be er with human interference, with
        patterns are affected by the
        continentality of a location. (4)  decimated local popula ons of wild   rabbits and gophers s ll very
                                          herbivores, the effect on large      common. These in turn are hunted by
        3. Outline the distribution of    predators is even more devasta ng.   eagles and hawks.
        temperate grasslands in the
        Northern Hemisphere. (3)
                                            fig.53 Przewalski's horse, slowly being returned to the Steppes of Asia.
        4. Describe how some temperate
        biome trees have adapted to cope
        with a cold winter season. (3)
        5. Describe how human activity
        has affected the biodiversity of
        many temperate regions. (4)
        6. Outline the role earthworms
        play in deciduous forests. (3)


       Ecosystems have distinct distributions and characteristics.
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