Page 23 - The World About Us
P. 23

Orang Utan

           Where is the Gunung Leuser National Park?

             The Gunung Leuser Na onal Park   largest flower, Rafflesia arnoldii. The         Gunung
           is a protected area covering almost   flower of these parasi c plants can        Leuser NP  Malaysia
           8,000km² of rainforest on the     weigh up to 11kg. Also present in the
           Indonesian island of Sumatra. The   park is the world’s tallest flower,             Medan
           park contains both lowland and    Amorphophallus  tanum, which can
           upland rainforest. At the centre of the   grow to over 3 metres.
           park is the 3,119m high peak of
                                                The climate of the park is hot, wet
           Gunung Leuser. Eleven mountain
                                             and humid. Temperatures range
           peaks rise above 2,700m, including
                                             between 20⁰C and 28⁰C, depending
           Mt Tampa Nana at 3,466m.                                            Equator
                                             on al tude and the  me of year.
             Along with two other parks in the   Rainfall ranges from 3,000mm to                      Sumatra
           same region, the area was designated   4,600mm. Rainfall is heaviest during
           a UNESCO World Heritage Site in   the annual monsoon which runs from   INDIAN OCEAN
           2004. It is considered to be the   November to May.
           largest remaining true wilderness    The climate and range of al tudes
           area in South East Asia.
                                             has led to a great level of biodiversity.   400 km
             The Na onal Park is the last    The park is designated as a ‘core
           remaining habitat where Sumatran   ecoregion’ by the World Wide Fund   fig.61 Loca on of the Gunung Leuser NP.
            gers, rhino, elephants and orang-  for Nature (WWF). This means it is   fig.62 Orang utan in Gunung Leuser NP.
           utans can be found living in the same   cri cal for the preserva on of global
           forest. These animals are severely   biodiversity.
           endangered with perhaps less than
                                                174 species of mammals and 380
           thirty Sumatran rhinos le  in the
                                             species of bird (26 endemic to
           park. The global popula on of these
                                             Sumatra) make their home in the
           animals is less than 200, half the   park. Some 194 species of rep le and
           es mated number in the year 2000.
                                             amphibian are also found in the park.
             An es mated 400-500 Sumatran       There is a complex inter-
            gers remain in the wild, with the   dependence between the living
           Gunung Leuser Na onal Park one of   (bio c) and the non-living (abio c)
           the  gers’ remaining strongholds.
                                             elements of the ecosystem. It is the
             The three parks which make up   complex rela onships between all
           the World Heritage Tropical       elements of the biome that makes
           Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra    the rainforest a ‘fragile’ environment,
           contain examples of 50% of all the   easily disrupted by human ac vity.
           plants found in Sumatra. The parks   Many of the species found in the park
           contain examples of the world’s   are listed as threatened or
             fig.60 Rafflesia arnoldii.
                                                The rainforests are not just vital
                                             for local plants and animals but also
                                             provide valuable environmental
                                             resources for local people. As
                                             rainforest trees remove carbon
                                             dioxide from the atmosphere, the
                                             healthy survival of the Gunung Leuser
                                             Na onal Park has global implica ons
                                             with regard to climate change.     fig.63 Endangered Sumatran rhinoceros.
                                                “Both humans and wildlife depend on the conserva on of the environment for
                                             their survival. The forests of the Gunung Leuser Na onal Park and the Leuser
                                             Ecosystem provide livelihoods and resources for roughly four million people living
                                             within and around it.”
                                             Leuser Interna onal Founda on, www.leuserfounda


                                                                 Biodiverse ecosystems are under threat from human activity.
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