Page 28 - The World About Us
P. 28

Reef channels

      What are the features of the Great Barrier Reef?

          The Great Barrier Reef is the largest
       living structure on the planet. It
       stretches 2,300 km from the northern
        p of Queensland, Australia, south
       along the coastline for 14° of la tude.
          The Barrier Reef is in fact 200
       individual reefs, as well as 600 islands,
       300 coral cays and inshore mangrove
       islands. Much of the inland areas of the
       Barrier Reef have a depth of water no
       greater than 35 metres, but at the      N                  Great
       outer eastern edge of the con nental                       Reef
       shelf the reef sits above a slope                    Queensland
       stretching down for 2,000m.
          The Great Barrier Reef began its life
       around 20 million years ago, with coral
       polyps colonising the shores of north-      1000km
       east Australia. Over millions of years
       sea levels have risen and fallen. The last   fig.75 The Great Barrier Reef from space - 200 reefs, 600 islands and more.
        me this happened was during the
       most recent glacia on. As sea levels   fig.76 Biodiversity on the Great Barrier Reef.
       fell, coral was le  above the protec ve   Animal group    No of species  Animal group       No of species
       water, died and was eroded away by   Hard Corals          450          Fish                 1,625
       ocean waves. New reefs formed along   So  Corals          150          Sharks and rays      133
       the newly exposed coastline.        Jellyfish              100          Whales and dolphins  30
                                           Molluscs              3,000        Snakes               14
          As the last glacia on came to an
       end and the world’s ice began to melt,   Starfish and urchins  650      Turtles              6
                                           Worms                 500          Birds                215
       much of it over north America and
       Europe, the global sea level began to   was created in 1975 to protect and   sand and communi es of sponges.
       rise. The coral polyps were able to   manage this natural wonder of the   The Great Barrier Reef is a
       reproduce and grow upwards, keeping   world. The park covers 344,000 km²,   biodiversity hotspot. This means that
       pace with the rising sea surface. This   which is roughly the size of Germany or   there are a very large number of
       growth has created the network of reef,   the Democra c Republic of Congo.   different species present.  Figure 76
       islands and cays we see today.     Within the park there are areas of sea   shows how many iden fied species visit
          The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park   grass, mangrove forests, stretches of   or make their home on the reef.

       fig.77 450 species of hard coral give the Great Barrier reef is structure.
                                                                                   1. Describe how nutrients are
                                                                          cycled throughout coral reef ecosystems. (6)
                                                                      2. Explain the biological role and importance of
                                                                      Zooxanthellae algae to the corals found in
                                                                      shallow water reef systems. (6)
                                                                      3. Outline why reef management organisations
                                                                      may also wish to include mangrove forests and
                                                                      eel grass beds in their management plans. (4)
                                                                      4. Describe the size and location of the Great
                                                                      Barrier Reef. (3)
                                                                      5. Describe why coral reef systems are useful to
                                                                      humans as a resource. (4)
                                                                      6. Outline why the Great Barrier Reef is
                                                                      considered to be a biodiversity hotspot. (3)


       Biodiverse ecosystems are under threat from human activity.
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