Page 33 - The World About Us
P. 33

Hong Kong

          How do we measure progress in development?

             If development is important to
                                                                                         Clean water    Sanitation
           human society as a whole, it is also
           important that we can measure how the
           process of development is affec ng             Education
           individuals within each society.       Life               Health     Infant
                                              expectancy                       mortality
             Development indicators are
           measurements which each focus on one
           aspect of development.
             Economic indicators look at the                     How do we measure
           ways that people make a living and the
           wealth of a country, in total as well as in                development?
           propor on to the size of the popula on.   Population                                            Access
           Economic indicators will also look at the   growth
           inequality of wealth.
                                              Rural to urban              Food
             Social indicators look at people and                        security
           society, and so will cover aspects such as
           literacy, average years of educa on and
           health, as well as the posi on of women
           and minority groups.                             Rule of law                                    Gross
             Environmental indicators seek to                                   Communications  Trade     Income
           measure such things as the stability and   fig.86 Selected development indicators.
           biodiversity of ecosystems, air or water
                                               the whole photo album.              infant mortality and life expectancy into
           quality, traffic conges on and noise or                                   a single scale of 1 to 100. However, with
                                                  Some sta s cians and organisa ons
           light pollu on.                                                         so many ways to measure development,
                                               have tried to bring several indicators
             Each development indicator is like a   together in a single measure. This is true   and so many different opinions about
           single snapshot of a society. To    of the Human Development Index (see   what is most important, it is hard to find
           understand how any society is       page 35) and the Physical Quality of Life   a single agreed-upon measure for
           developing geographers need to study   Index which brings together literacy,   development as a whole.

           Can internet access be used to measure development?

             At the start of the 21st century just   fig.87 Global Internet users by con nent,   91.1%, UK 92.6%, Denmark 96.3%), the
           over 400 million people had access to   2013.                           greatest number of users are in China
           the internet. This had expanded rapidly                      Oceania    (720 million, more than USA, Japan and
           from the 25 million who had access in         9.8%             0.9%     India combined) and India (460 million).
           1994. Most of these users were
                                                                                     Coverage is s ll low in Africa - just
           concentrated in the Advanced Countries,                                 10% of the popula on have access to the
           usually ones with longstanding fixed-wire   Europe      Asia             internet. However, mobile phone
           telephone networks.                     19.1%         48.4%             technology has now done away with the
             Many people thought that internet                                     need for fixed wires, allowing network
           access would be the next big focus for     Americas                     coverage to reach across most of the
           development. Could the internet be used     21.8%                       con nent. Internet banking via mobile
           to help poorer and emerging na ons?                                     phones has allowed many Africans access
           This can only happen if most people have                                to bank accounts for the very first  me.
           access to the internet.
                                             source:       45% of Kenyans and 28% of
             As with everything associated with   reached in 2005. The second billion was   Ghanaians have internet access.
           the internet, change has come rapidly.                                  However this figure plummets to just
                                               reached in 2010, the third billion in 2014.
           Around 40% of the world’s popula on has   At the end of 2016, there were 3.6 billion   1.5% in Burundi and 1.1% in Eritrea.
           access to an internet connec on today. In
                                               internet users across the globe.      While internet access may be one
           1995, it was less than 1%. The number of                                interes ng and quickly changing measure
           internet users increased ten-fold between   While the highest percentage of   of development, it is s ll only one
           1999 and 2013.                      internet users is s ll found in the   snapshot in the whole album of
                                               Advanced Countries (USA 88.5%, Japan
             One billion internet users was                                        development indicators.


                                                                                       The world is developing unevenly.
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